9 NOVEMBER 1996, page 36

Just A Little Bomb

L E T T E R S Just a little bomb Sir: How many more apologists for the German nation proudly following the Nazis? Mr Lamb's letter (2 November) - 'for the want of a little bomb......

Anti-lottery Winner?

Anti-Lottery winner? Sir: I bet Alasdair Palmer thought he'd won the Lottery in a way, being given my book Living on the Lottery to review (Books, 2 November). It gave him a......

The Original Boylett

The original Boylett Sir: There is no doubt whatever that 'Mr Boylett' was the original of 'E.L. Wisty' (Books, 2 November). When Peter Cook's enormous talent exploded over......

Spare Us This Hack

Spare us this hack Sir: A.A. Gill ('Provincial, po-faced, Pooterish', 2 November) obviously considers himself to be a cut above businessmen, solicitors and other dull members of......

Kind Words

Kind words Sir: I have agreeable recollections of dining in New York with Alexander Schdnburg (mother of the two children of your Greek gossip columnist, Taki) whose noble......