9 OCTOBER 1915, page 12

Farmers And Income Tax.

[To TUN EDITOR OF Till " SPROTATOR.") SIR,—In your issue of September 25th I noticed a letter written by "S." on " Farmers and Income Tax." To begin with, "S." has not taken the......

Pro The Editor Of Tub Speotator."] Am Not Surprised That

your correspondent who signs himself "S." in your issue of September 25th gives neither his county nor his name. My object in writing is not, however, to reply to statements......

The Income Tax.

1 - To TILE EDITOR OF TUB " SPECTATOIC.39 SIR, — The average for three years preceding the year of assessment, taken as the basis for assessment for the current year, will......


• [To THE EDITOR OP THE "SrecrAves.."] Sin,—What is the authority for the form of the verse from Chevy Chase about Witherington as quoted in your article upon " Rhyme " last......

Economies In Coal.

mlin EDITOR OP TILE "SPUOTATOR.7] SIR,—Since I saw over a ton of coal-dust sold for a more song at a private sale the other day I have been .experis menting with the few......

Blinded Soldiers.

pro TUE EDITOR, OF TEE "SrEcTA.rox."3 SIR,—It is now just six months since we started here to teach men who have lost their sight at the front to be blind and to acquire some......