9 SEPTEMBER 1978, page 16

House Of The Dead

Sir: Auberon Waugh's tirade against Solzhenitsyn in your issue of 26 August is extraordinarily perverse, even by his standards. Nowhere in his article does Mr Waugh show the......

Bartok Not Bleak

Sir: I see Richard Ingrams has been indulging in another spot of Burton-bashing (19 August). In his piece about the Proms on BBC Television he labels me 'smug' without citing......

The Right To Life

Sir: I am glad that Mrs Scarisbrick of LIFE (26 August) accepts my basic premise that the mode of action of the IUD (`the coil') is a matter of great importance to......

Proms Polka

Sir: Alexander Chancellor (2 Septembe r ) writes about the 'hideous young people who 'screamed and giggled' their wa) I through ‘viennese night' in the IlnY a Albert Hall. I......