THE AGITATOR IN Iartaxn.—On Tuesday, a meeting was held in
the Parliamentary Intelligence Office, Dublin, to receive areport from the Com- mittee for the establishment of a Society, to be styled " a Society of the Friends of Ireland, and of all Religious Persuasions." Mr. O'Connell at- tended it, and spoke at length in favour of a repeal of the Union. The Irish Stationery Office has been abolished. Sir A. B. King, the patentee, has received compensation, it is said, to the amount of 40,000/. A gentleman has arrived in town from London to superintend this depart- ment, the necessary supplies for which will be furnished from the head office in London.—Dublin Morning Register.
REnnesENTarzote OF DERRY.—A very active canvass has been com- menced for the representation of Derry, vacant by the appointment of Sir George Hill to the Government of St. Vincent's. Sir R.. Ferguson and Captain Hart have already addressed the electors. It would appear, from the Derry Sentinel, that a third candidate is about to enter the field. We suppose the gentleman alluded to is Mr. George Hill, the nephew of Sir George.—Dublin Evening Mail.
REPRESENTATION OF LOUT IL—We believe we may announce as a certainty, that Baron M'Clelland's resignation has at last gone in (and surely it was time for it,) anti that Mr. Leslie Foster is to be the new Judge. Mr. Shiel is to repair immediately to Louth to proceed on his personal can- vass. We rejoice to say that there can be no rational doubt entertained of his success.—Dubfin Morning Register.
ROCKITES.—Two men named Cleary and Ahorn were convicted of riot and murder at the Clonmel Assizes of Wednesday sennight. They were both left for execution.