Commost Hall. —at The Common Hall That Met On Monday,...
in favour of Radical Reform were unanimously passed. From a statement of Mr. C. Pearson, it appears that the people of London are more anxious to reform their neighbours than......
The King.—his Majesty Appears To Have Completely...
late indisposition. Yesterday he attended divine service in the grand music- room in the Castle at 1Vindsor, and afterwards took a long drive. In the evening, nix Majesty......
The Agitator In Iartaxn.—on Tuesday, A Meeting Was Held In
the Parliamentary Intelligence Office, Dublin, to receive areport from the Com- mittee for the establishment of a Society, to be styled " a Society of the Friends of Ireland,......
Tnane.—by Accounts From Various Parts Of The Country, It...
appear that trade is rapidly improving. Some of these accounts we derive from the local newspapers ; others from mercantile men of extensive dealings, in dif- ferent parts of......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MonmENG.-Few weeks have passed over with so little excitement as that which is just closing. There has, however, been a gradual rise, for which it would......