The Morning Chronicle of yesterday celebrated the anniversary of Sir
James Graham's defeated motion on China, by singing the song of triumph upon Captain Elliot's circular reporting progress in the nego- tiations. It rehearses the victories of the Whig Ministers over Toryism throughout the world,—in Spain, Portugal, and Belgium : in Syria, the Tories were not defeated only because the Eastern question " was be- gun and finished before they had time to interfere ": and "every object of our policy accomplished" in China crowns the whole.
" The candour and straightforwardness of Englishmen will nut listen to the sneaking attempts to undervalue the successes which have crowned the policy of Government, by ascribing events which have occurred to happy accident.'' * • •
" Accident does not foresee the occult designs or others, and defeat them by prop,r- //ening the means to the end with such nice discrimination—accomplishiug great objects of nstioual policy, while pressing with the least possible weight upon national re- sources." • • • " Aeci cut will not induce the people of England to withhold their approval of emi- nent success, won by foresight. prudence, and firmness, maiutaiuiug the honour and contributing to the interests of the country."
There is but one Palmerston—and one Ponsonby.