The News From China, By The Overland Mail, Is Of
a more stirring kind than that of last month ; and indeed more imposing at first sight than the facts warrant. Sir GORDON BREMER had attacked and taken two of the minor forts of......
The Great French Measure, Which Has Been The Occasion Of
so much speculation throughout Europe, the bill for the fortification of Paris, has passed into law: it received the Royal assent on Tuesday. It seemed to run the last stages of......
The News From India Is Unimportant : Comparative...
a little success in the North-western provinces, and continued disorder and intrigue in the Punjab, arc all the incidents of note in the Indian papers.......
Progress Of The Opium War.
Intellig ence has been received from India and China, by the March overland mail from Bombay, announcing what is considered as the ter- mination of the dispute with China. The......
No Progress Is Seen Just Now In The Long-promised Settlement
of the " Eastern question." The latest accounts from Constantinople left the Porte still debating the terms of an arrangement, which could hardly have been evaded or even......