Tuesday, April 6.
Hickman and Marriott. Catherine Street. newspaper-proprietors-Hickman and Co. Rutland Place, Upper Thames Street, merchants-Booth and Co. Blanchester, tutu-merchants; as far as regards Booth-Booth and Co. Liverpool. corn-merchants; as far as regards Booth-T. and W. Harding, Mincing Lane, wine-merchants-Hartley and Todd. Sunderland, merchant tailors-Stanley and Clark. Paul Street. box-niautt- facturers- Davis and Tapson, Newport. Monmouthshire, ship-brokers - Mare and Goode, Liverpool, commiosiou-ageuts-W. and B. Gumeradl, Biretta. Yorkshire, dyers-Burton and Reading, Warwick, grocers-Ledger and Ward. Liverpool, tobacconists-Mullett and Hall, Southampton, ship brokers-S., J., and W. Millard, Eastcheap, tea-dealers ; as far as regards J. Millard-Orden and Saxton. Notting- ham, tobacco-manufacturers-Reynolds and Co. Bradford, Wiltshire. waterproofers of Muths-Morel and Chapman, Laugham Place, surgeon-dentists-Firth and Morrison, Brighouse, Yorkshire. stmemasons-J. and S. M'Bride, Ash. Surrey. shoe makers- Ingham and Brothers, Manchester. check-manufacturers-Arthur and Co. Neath , timbernterchauts-Adams and Barber. Elder Street North. Nortoufolgate, chemists -Robinson and Herbert. Bridge Street, Westminster, hotel-keepers-Heron and Co. Manchester. attornies-Macgowan and Thorburn, Manchester, wine merchants- Garton and Co. Kingston-upon-Hull, tar-distillers-Woodhouse and Co. Leamington Priors, mercers; as far as regards J. Haddon-Rolfe and Holmestead, Bedlord Row, attornies-Nortou and Steele, Beech's. chemists-Rogers and Skelly, Birmingham, button-makers - Bracewell and Bland. Bingley. grocers - Pile and Thompson, Leicester, wine-merchants-Helm and Cu. Halifax, manufacturers of fancy goods- Dorriugton and Galloway, Chariton-upon-Medlock, mercers-Lambert and Fester, Jewry Street. orech-manufactures-Mallcott and Son. Newgate Street. masons-Jay and betrich, Friar Street. Blackfriars Road, hat-manufacturers-Leitch and M'Cul- lum. Glasgow. carriers-Cuuningham and Co. Glasguw-Chuff and Co. Dublin, wholesale-haberdashers.
DAY, THOMAS, and APPLEBY, Thomas, Cheddleton, Staffordshire, paper-manufac- turers, April 5.
MARRIOTT, EDWIN and hum. Northampton, drapers, to April 30.
CNA/MILD, SAMUEL, Colchester, innkeeper.
Bornam. ELEANOR, Speen, Berkshire, inuholder, to surrender April 13, May 18 : SO-
&Rm. Mr. Parker, St Paul's Churchyard. Coserrr.Giconos. Lewisham. builder. April 17, May 18 : solicitors. Messrs. Newbon and Evans, Wardrobe Court, Doctors' Commons; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Ab- church Lane.
Otiose. WILLIAM, Manntnessing, Essex. grocer. April 16. May 18: solicitor, Mr.
Turner, Whitechapel ; official assignee. Mr. Pennell. Basiughall Street.. Doennvo. Josgea. Liverpool, paint-manufacturer, April 21, May 18: solicitors, Messrs. 1141 and Co. Gray's Inn. Jarrsamorr. RICHARD, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, victualler. April 23, May 18: solicitors, Messrs. Swain and Co. Old Jewry. MALAY. GEORGE, Spalding, gas manufacturer. April 16, May 18: solicitor, Mr. Bell, Bedford Row.
NrLsow. Johw. Mame. Westmoreland spirit-merchant, April 12, May 18: solicitors, Messrs. Makioson and Sanders, Middle Temple.
PERRY WILLIAM, Leominster, maltster, April 14, May 18 : solicitor, Mr. Smith, Chancery Lane. PHELPS. WILLIAM TRUManIIARvORD, Newport, Monmouthshire, coal-merchant, April 22, May 18: solicitors. Messrs. White and Whitmore, Bedford Row. Ploorow, Jamas, Birmingham, lawman. April 16. May la : solicitors. Messrs. Reed and Shaw. Friday Street; official assignee. Mr. Gibson. Basinghall Street. POPPLE. G soiree Wcrwaso. and POPPLE. Roaarer. Kingstou-upon- Hull, oil-merchants. April 21, May 1st: salicitors. Messrs Hicks and Marris, Gray's Ion. Ma-yew, RICHARD, Plymouth, linendraper. April 26. May 18 : solicitors, Messrs. Sole, Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basingball Street. TIDMARSH. JAMES, Cheltenham, mercer, April 19, May 18: solicitor, Mr. Baylis. D,,,,bire Square. TREGA.XER. JAMES, Bristol, victualler, April 20,, May 18: solicitor, Mr. Hudson, Bloomsbury taur
WooDuotat JOHN. Huddersfield, manufacturer, April 17, May 18: solicitors, Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane.
April 29. Treasure. Reading. shoemaker-April 29, Noakes, Deal, tailor-April 29, Mackenzie. Hammond's Court. Mincing Lane. wine-march. nt -April 29. Brickwood and Co. Lombard Street, bankers--May 1, Summers, Sacks ille Street. May I. Ashton, Pall Mall, tailor-April 27. Roberts. Claret. n. Yorkshire. horse-dealer -April 29. Wood, Barusley.lineu-manufacturer-April 28 Fisher. Manchester. cotton- spinner-May 6, Cormie, Burslem earthenware manufacturer-April Mayer and Co. Burstein. earthenware-manufacturers-April 28. Dunderdale, Manchester. mer- chant-April 29, Babson, Liverpool. drysalter- May 4. Marsh junior, St. Heleu's, Lancashire, chemist-April 27, Smith, Bishop Wearmouth. merchant.
robe granted, unless cause be shows to the contrary, or before April 27. Cooke, Northampton. scrivener-Munn, Speen. Berkshire, paper- manufacturer- Mallett. Wardour Street, printer-Whalley. Leeds. wool-merchat-Ras. Leicester, woolstapler - Rogers. Newport. Monmouthshire. grocer-Clay. Huddersfield, merchant -Sanford, Great Dover Street. raerehaut -Stringfield. Bath. fidlmonger-Martyn, Newcastle-upun-Tyne. draper-Tennant, Manchester. cloth-merchant.
GILLANDERS, GEORGE. Fortiose. merchant, April 12, May 3. M. Lam WILLIAM, Mussellairgh, flesher. April 12. May 6. Normsw, JOHN and Jogs, Edinburgh. slaters. april 10, May I.
Friday, April 9.
Ainsworth Cotton Twist Company-Denton and Co. Bolton, hat-manufachwers- Cooper and Summers. Coventry. rronmougers-Griffiths and Co. Esclusham Mill, near Wrexham. millers-Riley and tntwistle,_Pilkingtou, Lancashire, fiuisners- aloore and Wilkins, Guildford, barge-masters-Norris and Johnson. Upper Thames Street, sta- tioners-Gander and Sayers. Guildford. carriers-Shipley and Oliver. Lincoln, school- masters Dickius and Co Upper Ground Street, coal-merchants; as far as regards G. Rands-T. and W. Lloyd. Leamington Priors glass factors- Edwards and Gw)ther, Bristol. boot-makers-14. and S. Staniford, Plymouth, dealers in glass- Brimson and Freuch. Suffolk Street, Mile Eud Road, mid Rolls, Chippiug Norton. mercers- Nooue and Rectos, Church Street. Blackfriars Road, engineers- Whymati and Emmerson. Derby. house-painters-Jepson and Son. Sheffield. account- ants- Cita and Co. Manchester, wholesale-habertiaslwrs.-Castle and Co. Hepworth, Yorkshire. clothiers.
SPrN12. FRANCIS, Bridlington. Yorkshire. miller, April 8. Tottirr, JOHN, Liverpool, bookseller. April 7.
ANKRETT, JOSEpff Walsall. grocer, to surrender April 27, May 21: solicitor, Mr. Dove, Carey Sliest. Lincoln's Inn. BRAIKHAW. GEORGE. Welshpaol, Montgomeryshire. draper. April 21. May, 21 : soli- citors, Messrs. Abbott and Arney, Charlotte Street. Befitted Square.
Cans., MARY ANN and IR ..11.1ZABETH, Kingston.11p011-H1111. spirit-merchants, April 24. May 21: solicitors. Messrs. Arnold and Burn. Clement's Lane. GARLICK, THOMAS, Greenwich. carpenter, April 16. May 21 : solicitors. Messrs. Suter and Bristow. Greenwich ; official assignee. Mr. Green Aldermanbury.
Howar.t. THOMAS. Brighton. builder, April 22, May 21: solicitor, Mr. Faithfull, King's Rad. Bedford Row.
Loony, CHARLES, Kingsotnalpon-H1111. straw-hat-manufacturer, April 23, May 21: solicitor. Mr. Field, Finchlev Common. MORRIS. JOSEPH, Birmiugluim, victualler, April 16, May 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Sheppard. Cloak Lane. NEW. JOHN EDWARD. and NEW. FREDERICK, High Street. Aldgate. stationers. April 24: May 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Clark and Cooper, Old Bailey; official assignee, Mr. Maio de Old Jewry. ROBERTS, FRANCEs. and ROWE. CAROLINE. New Bridge Street. milliners. April 2i. May 21: solicitor, Mr. Donne, New Broad Street ; official assignee. Mr. Gramm, Ab- church Lane. SAMUEL. HENRY. Leadenhall Street, cigar-manufacturer, April 2 l, May 21: solicitor, Mr. Berry, Trefillgar Square; official assignee. Mr. Johnson. liaainghall Street. Samoa, EDMUND. Manchester, cotton spin .,er. April 27, May 21 : solicitors. Messrs. Makioson and Sanders, Temple. SMITH, SAMUEL. MatICliester, engraver. April 24, May 21: solicitors, Messrs. Fox and Meek. Basinghtill Street. Wurrrietn. JEREMIAH. Bishopsgate Street Without. carpet-warehouseman. April 23. May 21: solicitors. Messrs. Sole, Aldermanbury; official assignee, Mr. Turquaud, Copthall Buildings. DIVIDENDS. April 30. Lee. Down Street. Piccadilly. saddler-April 30, Strange, Abingdon, wine- merchant - April 30. Cook and Wellard, Union Street, Shadwell, sugar refiners- Mar 3. Holliday. Wapping, mast-maker-May 6. Stuart, Pall Mall, milliner-May 6. Ashton. Matters Street, bill-broker -May 6. Hall, Piccadilly. upho sterer - May 6. Lacy. Hackney. butcher-May 4. Biddialph and Co. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, bankers -May 5. Reynolds and Knight. Rugby. iron monget s - May 4, Brad bury Dudley, grocer May 7. Henley. Leeds, cloth merchant -May 4. Lee and Co. Liverpool, ironfounders -May 1, Elsworth. Leeds. worsted spizmer-May 7. Baker, Blagrlen, Somersetaltire, scrivener-May 1. .1. and H. Ralsdale, Leeds, stuff mer- vharitc -Mar 4. Milner and Bedford, Kingston upon Hull, confectioners-May 7, Keighley. daiseley, Yorkshire. cloth.manufacturer -May 1. Hallomu. Belfint. mer- chant -May 5, Bruwu, Chudleigh, Devonshire, draper.
To be granted, unless cause be shorn to the contrary, on or before April 30. Ratrliffe, Blackman Street, stationer-Hales, Liverpool, butcher-Silk and Brawn, Long Acre. coach-builders-Jackson. Louth. merchant -Whitehouse. Nordiampron, coal merchant - Partridge, Carlisle Place. Lambeth, victualler-Porter, Barnsley, calenderer-Richardsou. Sunderland, merchant- Jone., Liverplootsoap-manufacturer.
GRIEVE. GEORGE, Kilmarack. lnverneas-shire, farmer. April 15, May 6. MILL. leafs and WILLIAM, Kingston, merchants, April 12, May 3.