Schoolboys and Local Government Problems of local government are tbday
flinch too complicated to be understood without some preliminary knowledge ; yet the citizens of a democratic State, who are continuously 'called on to 'decide such problems, are for the most part without the knowledge, unless picked .up by chance. The three days' conference of public schoolboys on "The City- of Today," at the London. County Hall, arranged by the Headmasters' Conference, with the support' of the Minister of Health and .141i. Herbert Morrison, is an excellent example of how to give the necessary instruction and to arouse interest in, and familiarity with, the actual work of administration. The boys and their masters, from 27 different schools, met at the County Hall, listened to lectures, asked questions, held discussions, and paid vi,its to- schools, hospitals and housing estates. The problems they Studied, of housing, education, and public health, are among the most important of the day, but as it is a boy may leave school and know nothing of them. The method of the conference is admirably suited to fill a serious educational need, and should be adapted; if possible, for the use of every secondary and Public School in the country.