, Military Commitment
[To the Editor of TIIE SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Mr. Lloyd George1/4 warning in the House of Commons with regard to the dangers of military arrangements between this country and France......
• Patent Medicines . .
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Stn,—May I be permitted to support the expression of your regret that the House of Commons should have been "talked out" on the date appointed......
Advertising For A Mate
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR]. SIR,—It was with regret that one learnt from a delightful article in your issue of March 27th that marriage tanking has fallen under the Nazi......
The West Indies
[To the Editor of THE SvEcTivron.] SIR,—Lord Olivier takes the tummtal course of using your review of my book, Warning from the West Indies, to pursue his own 'attack, and his......
Justice And Service [to The Editor. Of Thelp Spectator.] Sin
,—Your very interesting article on ". Justice and Service 7. deals with the report of the Departmental Committee on • the Social Services in the Courts. of Summary......