At Bodmin Assizes, on Saturday, Felix Lovell, formerly a clerk
in the Customs at Falmouth, was found guilty of embezzling 300 sove- reigns and several bills of exchange, which he had abstracted from the chest of which be had the charge. The prisoner was recommended to mercy, but the Judge said he could not attend to the recommendation, and sentenced him tirbe transported for fourteen years.
At the same Assizes, Grace Sampson was charged with stealing a necklace and other valuables belonging to her mistress. The articles were found in her pocket. The Jury returned a verdict of "guilty," with a recommendation to mercy. Justice Coleridge asked why they recommended the prisoner to mercy ? The Foreman said, "Because they thought the things might have got into her pocket by accident or mis- take." then, said the Judge, give her the benefit of the doubt. The Jury then recommended her to mercy on account of her youth : she was only seventeen. Sentenced to three months' imprisonment ; a fortnight of the term to be passed in solitary confinement.
In the Nisi Pritts Court, a Jury agreed to give a plaintiff 43/. 10s. for sheep sold to the defendant in the case, but added, that the costs should be divided between the parties. It was with great difficulty the Judge could convince them that they had nothing to do with the costs ; and they were locked up all night before they could agree to give the simple verdict of 43/. 10s.