The Number Of Bankruptcies In Paris, Declared Between The...
of January and the 26th July 1839, was 607. Among them were 93 joint stock companies, whose debts amounted to 14s,o00,000E, or nearly 6 ,000,000/. sterling. The number of......
The Earl Of Eglintoun Has Taken His Departure For F.glintonn
Castle, to superintend the preparations now in progress for the tournament on the 28th. Two galleries are to be erected, one to accommodate a thou- sand, and the other two......
The Benledi, A Steam-boat, Was Nearly Lost On Tuesday Last
week, on her passage from Edinburgh to Dundee, near St. Andrew's Bay, in consequence of an accident to her machinery. Her passengers and crew, about 150 persons, were......
From Canadian Newspapers Received By The Packet-ship...
York on the 14th of July, it appears that intelligence of the deter- mination of the British Government not to pass any measure for the permanent settle:112m of the affairs of......
At the Fermanagh Assizes, sentence of death was recorded against two young men and a young woman, all of respectable finnilies, whe were found guilty of the abduction of......
The Minming Past Publishes A Letter From The Late Lady
Flora Hast- ings, dated at Buckingham Palace on the Silt of last. March, to her uncle, Mr. Ifamilton Fitzgerald, then at Brussels. Lady Flora detailed to her uncle the principal......
Mr. Arthur Kinnaird has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds ; a new writ has been moved for Perth ; and we perceive by the Perth Chronicle of Thursday, that Mr. Laurence Oliphant,......
The following changes are confidently spoken of as likely to take place at the close of the session. Mr. Poulett Thomson, the President of the Board of Trade, to be appointed......