Mr. Arthur Kinnaird has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds ; a new writ has been moved for Perth ; and we perceive by the Perth Chronicle of Thursday, that Mr. Laurence Oliphant, formerly Liberal Member fOr the city, is again in the field. No address from Mr. Kinnaird, announcing the reasons for his re- tirement, has appeared. He has not been called upon to resign his seat by his constituents ; though from several articles in recent numbers of the Perth Chronicle it would seem that his votes upon Church questions have displeased a portion of his supporters. The Perth Chronicle gives Mr. Kinnaird credit for having " acted conscientiously," and believes his "honesty to be unimpeachable." Of this we have no doubt. Ills resignation has probably been the result of honourable and con- scientious feelings. At the same time, we agree with the Perth journalist, that something more than conscientious feeling is necessary in a Parliamentary Representative of the People, and that he ought himself to make sure whether he has fixed political principles—" whether be has examined their bearings, and is prepared to follow them out to their consequences."
Mr. Oliphant refers the electors to his former conduct in the House of Commons, and declares himself in favour of the Ballot and shorten- ing the duration of Parliament. He will probably be elected without opposition.