From Canadian newspapers received by the packet-ship which left New
York on the 14th of July, it appears that intelligence of the deter- mination of the British Government not to pass any measure for the permanent settle:112m of the affairs of the two provinces had reached the colonists. Great dissatifietiee apleeirs to have been the conse- quence. The :Me/recut Gazette of July lth says-
" Lord John It st.l I lets at last devel flri Intentions of Govermnent, on the subject of the volution of the iliivalas; that it is resolved upon to carry that measure into effeet ; and that a ldll is ii t his session be introduced into Parliament, bearing out the views of Ile Mlo:•, though it is intended that it should not he passc.1 until Ft(11,1, .11,1h1 h;• Made hi the colony MI the subject of it; dct.'ils This is .'e••'j ve,prtunats. We believe, that wit e...V0r may by i, natore it. tfi,i inquiry witich if to be in-
stituted in these proinees with regard to the the Covet-114ot cannot lw put in posoission of more ample and tionidusi%•• information than they already posse,: ; and therefore to postp.oli 11.c C.ii... or four rears more the
adoption Of a measee the ree I ...iT'aes; of 0..nsula depend, appears to its to be a piece 01 wanhin ,:• : ice to the loyal .popula- tion of this c try, it hid, has sc....Tidy- p ...Tel in British legislation. With the exception of a few pn•• I ! .,„ upper Canada, all parties ill these pro, ioces o ••. og •• •, lh 0 •ty of the anion.
Why then postpone a men iiire tbot • ell to, as the only
effectual cure ffir all ion• presvitc ills ? Why andos ll vith the further postponement of a lova-ore i I rh II,1••••i ve, °iliat 1d oar present salvation and futore proverity Ittif let u - ..•11 •• • ievvcieueot inittsye:Fset again he prevailvd upon to yliaiige their ; • b tiff.. ;he dome of the session, they may-1 c ie,tt&.l „ eon, A. Supplement io the liamiltan journal of July ritli is published in mourning—with " NESS'S ! HAD NEWS :" tied at the head, in large letters. Lord John Russell's plan i . " 3, a plan for the "perpetuation of confusion and the eiteeerar,ess e ec rebellion ;" and. then the indignant journalist proceed; as follows_
" Instead of availing, kintoilf of 111, intlirmation ell -.-tea nod arranged in I.ord Durham's Report, wbiell is allowed by all partivs to be a. most masterly production, and an exceedingly comprehensive one too, considering the short- ness of the time for investigation atil the circioustances wider %illicit it was made,—instctul of presidng forwar,l the union of the pcovincis, a slip required to infuse confidence into the bosom; of the supporters of the Moth. r-eouutry Canada,—he puts eff the remedial ties for three years; if iii•leed the Tories do not succeed his leelship it fro.. previonly--or until th- public
mind being occupied with event L1)`11,. a ICS, sat isfaciory --c Ill than ought to be introthiced only be hurried thron.41, Parliament—or tb. Bumbu- reaucracy of the Colonial ()nice shall have devideil upon what elianw- its offi- cial existence shall be stake&
The anomalous Idiot governmeot under which we at present hili•mr, is to be continued, bee:lose !be Parliament which could waste a wh,tle week in a.
paltry squabble which no Ininciple, hut was merely a dispute on their Irish policy, of no earthly matter to ally ioterest in the state, will not spare time to introduce a measure founded on the report of a Conunis,loner every way equal to the task, vial who Was sent over here on purpose to di,cower our wants, and to point mit a remedy."
" We arc disposed," says the same paper, to ask with the Spectator- " Is the Government mad, or what ?"—
The Synod of Canada, in connexioe with the Church of Scotland, was to meet at Kingston on the 4th.
It appears that Theller and 'Alacleol, a is. vere engaged in the fron- tier war in 1838, had been tried at Detroit for a hreach of' the neu- trality laws, and acquitted.
There had not been any disturbances on the frontier. Mr. Seward, Governor of the State of New VI irk, hid, in consequence of represen-
tations made to him that inectelb!ry attempts to set fire to houses and other buildings on the lewders of the State had been re- newed, issued a proclamation, offering a reward of 201) dollars and all neeesssary extra expenssis, to be paid on eon victim!, for ;be arrest cf each and every person who had been concerned in smell incendiary aggression s.
The Ne Vlorb Speeottee of July II th quotes the followieg account of " A 1'. airs in the A roostook '' from a !newspaper-
" 'fhe men employed ia this eeems. under the eleeze of Major Turner, of
Alfin, and CaPIeln wini""I'"", l'"'1,""'", Ci, g""I'd the cut on the 11.1.111It 011 territOry, have all roomed, haviog taken leave SIMS rerrlifonlie. OW \ .21 for having is, that liii rovisious xvo-ii unsuitable, consisting of p lwol in•e•al iiiIv, nil that of the very poorest- quality : they say :lea the boom Las lam open notch of the time since the timber commenced looming; that it o.., ,tol1,,,1 10 roman 0p.211 by night
without being prnperly i.o.arded, il mlii alls of • iodic roil through,
supposed to Ii,- bcvii Cul lc, ; !bat by •• •-eountiditi cause, much of the timbili cut by finnel way- on of Ili, boom."
The New York journalist sneers at the lois, le,. hot or Cf.tvernor Fairfield's gaeconadin,e messages and Item ('5, o :el that he might to take better care 01' the eomfort of his myrmidons.
St. John's newspapteslii he 11:1!. ited !hints it i ii July, have been received. Some A merican fishiee-bests lied 1 se.a ipture-1, and
condemned fin• a breaell Or I l'oaties.
The Hali.p.r Journal co:!t:ii;t, ;,:tol,.111::N Ii • • melancholy loss of the ship Aide-de-camp, ;'rom Lmelm lerr , elm! to St, John, New Brunswick. She had time.. haminel il elese' pesseeeers on board, of W110111 sixteen were drowd.ol. The re:it:Iloilo. reaohed Halifax, where
their wants had, as far as po...silde, been supplied by a committee of gentlemen, who had u id its hen the humane task.
The following colleetion of serape is supplied by the Plaidelphia correspondent of the 31-orning Chronicle— "My Canadian and ft ii hi tile ices, both front private hitters aud other sources, are of a various elicracter, with a pretty Omuta:int spicing or seam Juno there we's a frost ; on the 1st of July the thermometer stood at 88 degrees Inv the shade. A sentinel near Odeltown was shot by some assassin. A gra- ;niftier oPthe Guards was drowned, under mysterious circumstances, in the St. Lawrence. The crew of an armed boat, on the look-out for Bill Johnson, re- cotatry posted themselves on Grenadier Island (one of the Thousand Isles) : they were fired on by a party of pirates from a neighbouring island, who, on being attacked, fled in all directions and reached the American mainland. Mr. Willoughby commanded the British party. Halifax is represented OS being full of life, bustle, commerce, men-of•war, military, money, and prosperity. * * The Nova Scotians have fixed the prices of their celebrated coal, at the mines of Sydney, Picton, and Bridgeport, at 3 dollars and 60 cents per chaldron. At
john's, New Brunswick, Charles Allisou, Esq., has presented 4,000/. and several acres of land, for the erection of a Wesleyan academy, besides giving 1001. for ten years towards its support. The crops in both the Canadas, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and P'rince Edward's Island, promise an excel- lent harvest.
" Nearly half the flourishing town of Eastport, Maine, was destroyed by fire use the night of the 6th."
The United States were never more healthy in the summer than at present. Deaths in New York last week, 109 ; in Philadelphia, 92 ; in Baltimore, 56.