The following changes are confidently spoken of as likely to take place at the close of the session. Mr. Poulett Thomson, the President of the Board of Trade, to be appointed Governor-General of Canada. Mr. Spring Rice to be called to the House of Peers, and to be succeeded, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, by Mr. Francis Baring. Mr. Charles Wood to quit the Secretaryship of the Admiralty for a higher appoint- ment, and to be succeeded by Mr. E. J. Stanley, Secretary of the Treasury.—J14ning Chimlicle. [The Globe and Courier are autho- rized to say that this statement is unfounded ; and in this instance, we believe, " authority" speaks the truth.]
Lord Fitzroy Somerset is to have the Colonelcy of the Forty-third Foot, vacant by thedeath of the late Lord 'Bowden. Lord Fitzroy is at present Colonel of the Piny-third Regiment.
The Druid, 4-I, Captain Lord J. Churchill, shortly will proceed with Captain Hobson for New Zealand, of which colony Captain Hobson is appointed Governor ; and from thence to the East Indies.
Recruiting for the Army is going on briskly.
Preparations have been already commenced at the Post-office for the new plan.