Many parts of the North of England, as well as
some districts in Scotland and in Ireland, have been visited by floods, the wide-spread. f ing destruction of which, in the neighbourhood of Doncaster partiet, larly, is represented as truly alarming. At Rotherham, East Retfork
and many other places, the damage done to the crops, it is feared, i trill • be very considerable; indeed, in some parts it s thought that a lug portion will be destroyed.— Tina's.
At the commencement of the Manchester market on Tuesday, there appeared to be an improvement in the demand for yarn; some sales were made on terms a shade better than the prices of the preceding week, and a considerable amount of business was generally expected, As the day proceeded, however, this buoyancy entirely disappeared; and in the afternoon the market was dull, and prices quite as low as 011 the preceding Tuesday. The goods market was also fiat, and prices - rather drooping than otherwise, notwithstanding the advance it cotton at Liverpool. The situation of the spinners and manufactures is consequently far from being improved ; and the firms in the neigh. bourhood of' Ashton and Stalybridge (whose agreement for workiog • short time expired at the end of this week) have again extensively signed a fresh agreement for a month, to the same eth;et as before.– Manchester Guardian.
The Birmingham and Derby Railway was opened on Monday. The junction of the two railways is effected near the Hampton .station, about six miles from Coventry. The length of the Derby line is thirty-thret