Accounts from Sydney, to the 27th of March, have arrived.
The Crown Lands Bill had been passed. Much complaint of the scarcity of corn and vegetables was made in the colony-
" In the Council the subject was mentioned by Sir J. Jamieson, who stated that there were many small flamers who were destitute of even seed-wheat ; and unless they were supplied, there would necessarily result a scarcity next year as well as this. The Governor replied, that he thought it premature to supply them immediately, as in the present scarcity they might use the wheat as food instead of sowing it : he would submit the matter to the Execu- tive Council, to whose province it more immediately belonged. The current prices of provisions had advanced to 13s. or 14s. per bushel for wheat, and 35s. per hundred pounds for flour. Potatoes were 12s. to 16s. per hundredweight, and cabbages from 6d. to Is. 6d. each. Beef and mutton 4d. per pound."
The Journal du Havre announces, under date Monte Video, May 8, that the French brig of war Sylphe had attacked the harbonrof Atalaya, in the Argentine Republic, and that, after routing the garrison, she had set on fire 27 boats, laden with smuggled goods valued at 600,000 dollars.