BROTHER ELECTORS, SOUTHWARK. --- from Parliament ; and it is
right, therefore. that I announee to you my tmelioneed,;',.' thin of becoming a Candidate the the honourable distinction or your II T OBSERVE a movement on the part of some of the Elmo, of your Borough, in antieipatien of the retirement of oue of your present TO THETHE ELECTORS OF THE BORouG,Rpte401114,. --- wlivnever a vacancy shall have taken place, You tut. mat :minted, I believe, with my opinions ; for 1 have explained there n former occasions, and I have lived always amongst you. I am a Reformer mon:. ciple—that principle being founded upon thought and conviction—not the' disappointment, or the athedion or espeateney. I recognize no party but the pull-, that dues rightly ; and I will support the enactment of good laws, as I Woala 411, those that are mischievous, front whatevo‘r minuets they proceed or with whona,',;:, they nety origitiate; but to insure the one and Kotect us from the other, it seebn'i'„ me.that three great prineiples must be kept in view by Reformers, as the test oPa: our opinions • and he 'who tuptivocates mum this subject, or shrinks from ersbnc;; these princip'les us a rule of his political conduct, no real friend of the I • rights, and is unworthy of the supine t of any true Reformer, either in &sigma, elsewhere. Upoli these, which I take tie be leading principles, I declare repelin: plicilly, - tit l, that to carry nut und establish your liberties, it is inedspcioablethah slim Id have a Intgely+extendell stilfra 0e, not at all short of Doineltald St secondly, that you are equally entitled to perltiet indemnity from all pessibte gimlet's of your voting, by the veil or the Ballot ; and thirdly, that you nmanbai', that power over the conduct of these that represent you, which would be the inesi1e. result it the adoption of Trienttial Parliaments—beyond Wiliell term Mr the domicil or Parliament, as we leave seen in past times, responsibility is forgotten, mid must. ability ceases. 'Hie Reform BM, however great in itself as the pivot %them, every thing which is deshable i'or us may be nueele to revolve', is but the means tone end. It is delbetive mainly from its eirenniseribed action, and has doe 1], part of its work. You must ilow do the remaider, by requiring of those tib, seek so represent you a perfect and unflinching conformity to your sentient% ttpun this subject. Obtaitt suet] ei,aettiteuts ila those I have ;toilet's' Out, and efi, good laws will arise. +tiniest without drat, and certainly without disturbance. 'a, -People's wants Heist then be attende,t hi, for the renwily will be in their own bab seutatives were clothed with real responsild
Du you think, if thus represented, or our ow
mu for another sesAtat—that incubus imptwed meat us by the extravagancies orate hod interest to prop up their overgrown mortgnges, and which by degrees is sapping de subsistence or the whole People? Would not the evils of many uf the remit tog. law details be immediately redressed ? Would you retain for an Instant yourtrv paying clauses—that unholy warfare carried on against the retiree classes; reit lb, payment of it man's taxes assisted Ilia jailginelli in lime choice or his Representatiren Parliament ? hr would you rather say iii such a ease, as is now raid for yen, Ands doctrine of Finality is best tilted to your condition—that the laws of oltr coulaiy eat lie amendment, +ma that yetle illtellVelltal, your nanral, toed your social capabilitiesolnll advance no further ?
You will gather from these remarks any general opinions open every thing you tam desire to know at this moment ; Inn us a conclusion, I may add, that I am a first the most unbounded liberty of COIRCit'llee, being detelmined neiv mithless to ;ROM the rights of all, both Chin (Aimee and Dissenter; that I wish to see established gsei and tutted laws for ;di our fellow subjects, of whatever colour, or creed, or condilloa; Shut I advocate the diffusion of knowledge and education mum the broatlosi principles; and that I tam more especially to improve the temporal welfore ut the workiug porta the community, nut mile 115 a bulwark ttgaitist the aggressions or the idle and de thoughtless, but also as (he surest means of pronmting the good order, as well mm ii consolidating the freedom and happiness of society at large.
Depend Rpm me lit the right time, Hatt I cviii solicit your suffrages itt thrust form. There is yet, however, no vacancy, or the certaiety of vacancy ; but at fed ings and interests are it ith you, and my best abilities are at your command, I shall be proud to become you Representative; and ir honoured by your choice, it will be my stetly to attend to you smallest wishes, awl may ambit:on to servo youfaithfolly. 1 Imre the honour to be, Brother Electors, your devoted Servant.