STOCK Excarmsor., FRIDAY ATritawootr.
The week has not been characterized by any coup &Alt on time part of the Bank of England ; and the speculation and anxiety as to the proceedings of that corponition, which have recently existed to a great extent, have for the present entirely subsided. The only financial event of importance has been the failure of the Phomix Joint Stock 13.(nk of' Liverpool ; which has been compelled to suspend its payments in consequence of the misconduct of one of its principal officers. The concerns of this establishment were, however, of a very limited nature; and the suspension of its orrations has mot been productive of a»y disastrous consequences. Indeed, so little kiportanee was attached to this eirettinstanee in Lancashire, that its failure WaS not generally known at Liverpool till bug after it occurred. The large capitalists arc reaping a good harvest, in consequence of the ficti- tious value given to money by t he proceedings of the Bank Directors; for while the fl overnment Securities only afford upou the capital employed a rate of in- terest varying from :3,1r to 31 per cent., Ii, 8, and even 10 per cent, is obtainable upon the discount of commercial bills. This shows that the greatest portion of the 1:11111eII:W DIRS of onr National Debt is held as it means of income, and not speettlatively, and is highly instructive as to the resomees of the country. The filet uation of Consols has not exceeded per cent. The market was depressed on Wednesday ; but it has rallied again, and is to-day within h per cent. (if the highest price of the week.. Exchequer Bills are depressed in con- seque»ce of some extensive sales ; and after being at 9 prem., have been done to-day as low as 4 prem. In the Foreign Alarket, Portuguese Five per Cents, have been seriously affected, and are to-day 2 per cent, below our last prices; the Three per Cents. have not fitllen to the same extent, brut have been done at IS. The market has evinced slight symptoms of a rally ; but it is scarcely probable that any great improvement mn the value of these Securities can occur until the next meeting of the Cortes shall renew the question of a provision for the over-due Dividends, and thus give an impetus to speculation. Spanish Stork has been rather in demand, and the price is to-day nearly 1, per cent. above that of last week. This improvement has restated front the belief that the continued interviews of Lord JOHN HAY with the commanders of both the belligerent armies will lead to a termination of this apparently endless contest. The Northern European Stocks are without material variation ; and so are the South American and Mexican.
The English Funds were firm at the opening of the market, and Consols for Money were done at 92. Since that time, a sale of 100,0004 by the Chancery Broker has flattened the market, and the price for Money has fallen to 914,
while that for the Account is 92h Exchequer Bills are lower, having been done at 3s. India Stock is also quoted at 249&. Bank Stock is steady at 180. In the Foreign Market, at the opening of business, there was an indi- cation of improvement in both the Spanish and Portuguese Funds, which the fall of Consols has checked, and these Stocks are now at yesterday's prices. The other Foreign Funds are without material alteration.
3 per Cent. Consols 91¢ i Ditto for Accennt 921 1 3 per Cent. Reduced.. 921 1 New 31 per Cent. Anne 991 Bank Stock 1861. India Stock 249 50 Ditto Bonds — Exchequer Bills 3 4 pm
Belgian 5 per Cents 1031
Brazilian 5 per Cents 781 791 Danish 3 per Cents 75 6 Dutch 21 per Cents 541 5
Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts. 30) Ditto 3 per Cents 191 Russian (1822) 5 per Cent.— 114 115
Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent 19* * Deferred Stock 8} t
Passive Ditto 4* *