Arrived—At Gravesend, Aug. 4th, Juliann, Parker, from Mauritius ; 6flt, Viscount Melbourne, Drayton', from China; 7th, Zenobia, Owen, from Bengal ; awl Lotus, Gore, front New South Wales; 8th, James Rati.on, Cranially, Dom Manilla; 9th, Mary. M'Auley, from ditto ; anti Pantaloon, Candler, from Mauritius. At Deal, 961, Rajah, Ferguson, from Singapore. At Portsmouth, 7th, Warrior, Douthwait, NUM Ceylon ; and 8th, Earl Grey, Talbot, from Manilla. At Liverpool, Aug. 4th, Fort- field, Sly, from Bombay.; 6th, Brothers, Loban, from Batavia; and. 7th, Calcutta, Brown, fr..m Bombay. In the Citde, 3d, M. S. Elphiustone. Stewart, from Bombay. At St. Helena, Jam, 12th, C. Ileartley, Hopper ; and 13th, Alexander, Ramsay. front Bengal. At the Cape, Sophia, 31' Nairn, from Bengal. At Bombay, Earl of Balcarres. Vous.; and Triumph, Green. front Lon-
dun ; Manchester, ; W. Sharpless, M'Lellan ; Broad Oak, Mackey', British Merchant, --; and Thomas Wrthington, —, from Liverpool, At Madras, Pearl, Bruton, front Madras.
Sailed—From Gravesend, Aug. 241, Atlas, Hunt, for Madras; and 6111, Sir E. Paget, Campbell, for Bombay. From Liverpool. 2d, Cornubia, hell, for Bombay.