The Present State of the Turkish Empire, by Marshal Marmont, Due de 'Ragusa, 'rritastated, Nrith Notes and Observations out the Relations of England with 'flukey and Russia, by Lieut.-Col. Sir Frederick Smith, K.II., of the Corps of Royal Eugineers 011ivier.
TraVIIIS ill Western India; embracing a Visit to the Saered Mount of the Jains, and the most celebrated Shrines of Wilda. Faith, between Itaipootana and the ludas; with tut Acconit of lite ancient city of Nehrwalla. Ity the late Lieutenant-Colonel James 'foil, Author of " Annals of Itajaat luau." Altera and Co.
Tito Mithinagion, frosn the lAyfr Cuch it Hergest and other Ancient Welsh Manu- scripts; with an English Translation and Notes, by Lady Charlotte Sliest. Part II., containing Perellitr the Son or Evrawe.. Lougnetn and Co.; Reim, nandover.9. The [tidily, Legetols,Traditions, History, from Cologne to NI:RUIZ. fly Joseph Sumer, Esq. lu 2 vuls West/ex.