10 AUGUST 1850, Page 11



The English Funds have been heavy since Monday ; Stock of every de- scription with the exception of Three-and-a-quarter per Cents having been brought to market, and a disposition being apparent among the larger class of operators to sell on the slightest appearance of firmness. Today intel- ligence was received of a decline of per cent in the French Funds in Paris yesterday ; which has increased the downward tendency of our own : Cansols have declined to 961 both for Money and Account, closing at 961 1. The settlement of the Como! account is fixed for Wednesday next; and though the transactions during its currency have not been extensive, there is evidently a large quantity of Stock pressing upon the market, to which circumstance its present feebleness may be attributed. The Three-and-a-quarter per Cents have continued to advance, and are today 2/ per cent higher than Consols; the proportional improvement during the week having been about 1. per cent. The price of this Stock has been as high as 901, and closes at 991 I. Money is more abundant than ever, and it is difficult to find employment for it upon first-rate security at 1/ and 2 per cent The transactions of the Foreign Market have been quite insignificant. Some business has occurred in Buenos Ayres Stock, without carmine' any ma- terial advance in price. The other South American Bonds, and the Mexican, are without fluctuation. Spanish Stock of both varieties is also unchanged. The only circumstance worth notice respecting Portuguese Bonds is the actual maturity of the term for which the Five per Cent Converted Stock of 1841 bore 3 per cent interest : that term expiredon 1st of January 1849; but as the Coupon of that date is only now in course of pay- ment, the period of four years for which this Stock is to bear 4 per cent in- terest may besaid to have only now commenced. This Stock, which in the technicality of the market is called Portu,guese Three per Cents, until the present payment of dividend was generally quoted from 1 to 1 per cent lower than the Portuguese Four per Cents ; its price is now equal to that of the Four per Cents, and in some cases it had been quoted at / per cent ad- vance upon the price of the former.

. There is no material change in the Railway Share Market. The range of prices since Monday have been rather lower than last week, and the quota- tions of today exhillit a trifling depression upon those then given. The only subject of remark is the approaching dividend upon the North-western Stock ; which will, it is understood, be 21 per cent for the half-year. If an attempt should be made to increase the proposed dividend to n per cent, it is not supposed that it will be successfuL


The opening price of Consols for Money was 961, since which the quota- tion has fallen to 961, and is now. 961 R both for Money. and Account ; the market being heavy, although the business transacted has not been impor- tant. There is no material change in the Foreign Market Among the ru- mours there prevalent is one of an amended proposition having been made by the Spanish Government for the conversion of its Debt. The proposed terms have not transpired. It is, however, understood that though more favourable than those recently put forward, they are not such as will he primarily accepted by the Committee, with a view to their being sub- mitted to the Bondholders for approvaL There is no change in the value of Spanish Stock. The Share Market is heavy. The following are the only , bargains recorded—Great Western, 57t; North-western, Ill. 5ATCRDAT Two °Timms The English Funds close at the morning's quotation, without the occur- rence of any transactions of moment. We find that we were in error in sup- posing that the London Committee of Spanish Bondholders had rejected the new terms propelled for the conversion of the Spanish Debt That rejection was made by M. Weisweiller, the agent of the Committee at Madrid, who declined to entertain them even for a moment. The following business is. recorded as having occurred in Foreign Stocks—Brazilian, 921; Danish, 1021 ; Mexican, 29 4 1 ; Portuguese, 33t 1; Russian Four-and-a-half per- Cents, 96 1; Spanish Active, 171; Belgian Two-and-a-half per Cents, 60;. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 571 1 ; Ditto Four per Cents, 89/. The Share Market is without material change. The only circumstance' worth recording is a slight decline in Eastern Counties, occasioned by a pre- dominance of sales, induced, as reported, by the opening of the Northern and Eastern. The following are the principal bargains recorded—Aberdeen 9; Eastern Counties, 61 ; East Lancashire, 71; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 28i 1; Great Northern, 81; Great Western, 571 8: ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 71; Ditto New Guaranteed 6 per Cents, 12k; London and Blackwell, 41 1 ; Lon- don, Brighton, and South Coast, sot Si; New Guaranteed 6 per Cents, 136. 7; London and North-western, 111; Ditto Fifths, 13k; London and South-. western, 60 59i f; Ditto New 501., 221 1; Midland, 3310t ;L Ditto 601. Sharea_ 1; Midland, Bristol, and Gloucester, 10k; Norfolk, 20; North British, 51; Ditto Preference, 41 1 ; North Staffordshire, 61; 1e ading, Guildford, . and Reigate, 174 18; South-eastern and Dover, 131; York, Newcastle, and Berwick Extension, 91; York and North Midland, 151 / ; East Indian, 71 ; Northern of France, 141; Orleans and Bordeaux, 21 1 ; Paris and Rouen, 23 t.

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents 57 Ditto 4 per Centa 88 1 I


Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 291 30

Peruvian 6 per Cents 81* as.

Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 34 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 86 8 Russian 5 per Cents III 13.

Ditto 3 per Cents 1'842 14 i

Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Venezuela 34 6.

8 per Cent Consols

961 Ditto for Account 96 i 1 3 per Cent Reduced 97 a 3} per Cents 99 1 Long Annuities

in 5-16

Bank Stock 209 211 Exchequer Bills 66 69 pm.

India Stock.. - ....., 268 270

Brazilian 5 per Cents- ..-----

91 93 Belgian 41 per Cents 81 93 Chilian 6per Cents 102 104 Danish 5 per Cents 102 104