10 AUGUST 1850, page 11

The French Assembly, Was Yestesday To Meet Pro Fermi; But

there was nothing on the orders of the day, and the session was practically at an end. At half-past two, when the chair was taken, only about two hun- dred members were present......

The Domestic Drama Produced This Week At The New Strand

Theatre, under the title of The Daughter of the Stars, displays considerable talent, but its merits are in a great measure counterbalanced by corresponding defects. A picture of......

To The Editor Of The Spectator.

54, Parliament Street, 8th August 1850. Sin—The attention you have lately shown to Irish questions, and still more the enlightened and impartial tone which has characterized......

We !date With Much Satisfaction, That We Have Just Seen

and examined a large lump of auriferous rock or stone, just arrived from the neighbourhood of Annette Bay, Jamaica. Split open, it appears almost one compact mass of gold and......


There is yet a new star to rise on the operatic horizon, though at the- eleventh hour ;—Madame Fiorentini, announced as "the celebrated so- prano of the Italian opera in......

The Readings Of Mrs. Fanny Kemble At The St. James's

Theatre were to have terminated last night ; but they have proved so successful that they are announced to continue at least four nights more.......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Funds have been heavy since Monday ; Stock of every de- scription with the exception of Three-and-a-quarter per Cents having been......