There is yet a new star to rise on the operatic horizon, though at the- eleventh hour ;—Madame Fiorentini, announced as "the celebrated so- prano of the Italian opera in Berlin," who is to appear at Her Majesty'a Theatre next Tuesday as Norma, and next Thursday as Dorms Anne. This lady's fame, we confess, has not reached us ; but we take it for granted, front. the terms of the announcement, that she is somebody, and that she will shed some lustre on the close of the season. In both her parts she will have to contend with the strong impressions made by Grisi ; whose Norma, especially, has hitherto set all rivalry at defiance. We wit- nessed her performance on Tuesday ; and, notwithstanding the inany times we had seen it before, though not recently, we were as much struck as ever with her fine countenance, her noble aspect, and her strong and true expression of the most terrible as well as the softest emotions. That her voice is what it has been cannot be said, and yet it still is an organ of rare beauty and power ; and in her singing as well as acting there is an unaffected simplicity—a naturalness—which gives a charm peculiarly her own to everything she does.
Equally beyond the power of competition—save by one prima donna, no longer in England—is Sontag,'s Amine in Lee Sonnambula ; which formed the most beautiful of all the entertainments on Thursday, at Carlotta Grisi's benefit.
It was said some time ago that Auber's _Domino Noir was in rehearsal at Her Majesty's Theatre ; but the idea of producing that opera has now, we presume, been given up. And we understand there are doubts about the production of Fiddle) at the other house.