The number of candidates who appeared on the hustings at Lambeth on Monday, the nomination-day, was three,—Mr. William Williams, Sir Charles Napier, and Mr. }aide Palmer; all of one political complexion, and only differing in the tone of their Liberalism. As there were ru- mours that the dashing Admiral was buoyed by the sympathies of some of the Government departments, (though not by his own professional one,) and as Mr. Palmer secured the interest of his relative the sitting Member, Mr. D'Eyncourt, it was expected that the hustings-speeches would be high-flavoured and the contest dose. Both anticipations were rather disappointed. Mr. Palmer did not receive much popular attention. The chief stimulant to the feelings of Sir Charles Napier's opponents was an enormous cat-o'-nine-tails, which some one produced from a beg on the hustings and waved perpetually before the crowd; an ensign of the Admiral's adherence to corporal punishment; but a most unjust one, in his view, as he declared he has done more to abolish the use of the lash in the Navy than any man alive—and "there was not a man among the five thousand who served under him in the Mediterranean who would not have gone to the Devil for him." The returning-officer at last ordered the offensive symbol to be put out of eight. Mr. Williams took care to call Sir Charles to account for having been seen to darken the doors of the Treasury. Sir Charles admitted the visit— Mr. Hayter is his friend, and his only object in calling was to pay Mr. Hayter a visit. They might as well ask him why he went to the Colonial Office ? (A Voice—" And why did you ?") Because Mr. Hawes is his friend, and he went there to ask him for some information respect- ing the borough of Lambeth. (Groans. Cries of "Oh, you old pensioner!" "You'd desert us as you did Marylebone ! ")
The show of hands was officially pronounced to be in favour of Sir Charles Napier; and a poll was demanded by the other two candidates.
The election, on Tuesday, was altogether in favour of Mr. Williams. In the first hour he polled 610 to the 189 and 86 of his two adversaries ; and nearly at this relative rate the polling went on through the day. The official announcement, on Wednesday, gave these as the total num- bers polled— Williams 3,834
Napier 1,182 Palmer 585 A meeting was held on Wednesday, in what used to be called the great room of the Crown and Anchor Tavern, now the assembly-room of the Whittington Club, to promote the scheme of the Poor Man's Monument to the late Sir Robert Peel. Mr. Hume presided ; the other Members of Parliament present were Mr. Cobden, Mr. Bright, Mr. W. Brown, Mr. Wyld, and Mr. George Thompson. The room was densely crowded, chiefly with shopkeepers and artisans. The Chairman, after suitable reference to the object in view, and fitting tribute to the memory of him whose good fame it was intended to perpetu- ate, stated that numbers are wanted for this undertaking, and not great amounts ; the contributions are limited between one penny and one shilling. Handsome subscriptions have been received from many noblemen and gentle- men to defray the preliminary expenses of printing and of holding meetings; so that all the pence collected shall go untouched into the fund. One hun- dred and sixty local 'bodies have been addressed. Mr. Bright said, he did not much sympathize with monuments, believing there are more monuments over the ashes of bad men than over any others. (Tremendous cheering, again and again renewed.) But in the House of Commons Sir Robert Peel had by his single voice and single intellect stayed the contests of party, and given wisdom and usefulness to council. The last four years of his life were four years of true dignity.
Towards the end of Mr,Bright's speech, some noise of contention was heard in the body of the meeting, as of persons opposed to its object. After the resolution for a memorial was passed, strangers stood up and tried to ob- tain a hearing. There was a confused uproar, which the Chairman good- naturedly but vainly, endeavoured to appease. Three Policemen appeared; but their appearance only exaggerating the excitement., they were wit drawn.
Salmon and Osborne, styling themselves eostermongers, obtained a brief hearing. They spoke temperately ; and, for men of their appearance, well,— advocating, rather than monumental expenses, the establishment of edu- cational institutions for the "canaille." [This was the term used by the speaker himself, and he seemed to utter it as one of wholly inoffensive ha- port] Mr. George Thompson spoke very briefly ; and Mr. Cobden moved a reso- lution recommending "that preparations be made for a simultaneous col- lection on the same day throughout the lJnited Kingdom ; and that Saturday the 31st of August be the day for such collection, and that all contributions be paid then." Mr. Bronterre O'Brien, the Chartist, then appeared as the leader of the opposition against paying respect to the late Sir Robert Peel. The tendency of his speech was to revive in vivid colours the recollection of all the poli- tical acts of the late statesman which might be considered as unpopular among the democratic body. His reference to the "Manchester massacre," when Sir Robert Peel thanked the Magistrates and the Yeomanry who as- sailed the people, was received with tremendous shouting. A working man roared out, and was heard above the storm, "Why should I subscribe for a monument to Sir Robert Peel ? What did he ever do for me ? " Mr. O'Brien concluded by proposing as an addition to the resolution, words to the effect that all the funds collected should be applied to the purjoose of erasing from the statute-book all the bad legislation in which Sir Robert Peel had been concerned during the last forty years. (Deafening shouts from the riotous party.) The resolution was first put, and was carried by a large show of hands. Mr. O'Brien's addition was then put, and amidst indescribable noises was rejected ; though its supporters claimed that it was carried. A com- mittee was nominated, including the names of Alderman Copeland, Sir James Duke, Mr. Cobden, Mr. Charles Lushington, and others. Some working men again obtained a hearing, "and spoke without violence, re- presenting the hard work, sufferings, and small wages of the poor." The Chairman complimented the interrupters on the good tone of their speeches ; though they had certainly been very noisy before. The noise- makers cheered the Chairman for his fairness of conduct. And then, says the report, "this stormy, but after all, not ill-humoured meeting, separated.'
[We believe the real character of the disturbance was more serious and disgraceful than the reporters disclose. "One of the Industrious Classes," an eye-witness of the scene writes to the Morning Chronicle venting his disgust at what occurred, arid making some practical suggestions- " Would it not be as well, when a public meeting is mad, a hall hired, placards issued, and the names of the speakers announced, that, if amend- ments are to be proposed, their proposers should state beforehand their in- tention to advocate opposition views ; have their names and their proposi- tions advertised side by side with those of the originators of the meeting ; and, of course, pay their share of its expenses ? By this means last night's confusion would be avoided ; gentlemen would be saved the trouble of lis- tening to Bronterre O'Brien's balderdash ; and ladies would know that, cer- tain of the self-appointed representatives of the industrious classes being ex- pected, no assemblage, however solemn its occasion, could be safe from a row." But nothing would so tend to dignify and perpetuate the right of pub- lic meeting, as the requiring by law that every meeting should, from its assemblage to its dispersion, be under the control of an elected chairman responsible to the law for its proceedings as an orderly, public body. It would be easy to frame a code of brief rules regulating the powers of such a chairman. Assemblages without a responsible chairman should be placed dehors the common-law privileges of public meetings—should be deemed crowds, which the police might deal with accoriing to their know- ledge and responsibility.]
At a public meeting in the Egyptian Hall of the Mangonhouse, on Tuesday, over which the Lord Mayor presided, there were adopted reso- lutions deploring the demise of "his late Royal Highness the good Duke of Cambridge," and determining that the national feeling demands a me- morial in perpetuation of his princely and Christian benevolence. To pro- mote this object, a committee was formed, consisting of Mr. Labouchere, Mr. Bond Cabbell, M.P., Mr. Samuel Gurney, and Mr. J. A. Smith, M.P.
A meeting of the proprietors and the assured of the Fiuity and Law Life Assurance Society was held on Tuesday, at the office in Lineolia's Inn Fields, for the purpose of declaring the amount of profits to be divided at the end of the first period of five years : Joseph Phillimore, Esq., D.C.L., in the chair. It appeared from the Chairman's address and the report of the Directors, that assurances had been effected with the society to the amount of 700,0001.; that the annual income of the society was now nearly 20,0001. ; and that the loss by death in the first five years was only 4,9001. The result of this unusual success was, that after setting apart a very ample reserve for liabilities, a reversionary sum would be distributed amongst the assured, averaging fully 50 per cent on the premiums paid. It was further stated, that the additions to the proprietors' fund, exclusive of the amount already paid and due for interest, justified a dividend of 4i per cent on the deposits; which would accordingly be paid,. clear of income-tax. The meeting were highly pleased, and expressed their satisfaction in unanimous votes of thanks to the directors, officers, and chairman.
At the Middlesex Sessions, on Thursday, Charles Bentley, son of the keeper of the cricket-ground of the Westminster School, surrendered to meet an In- dictment for assaulting Mr. John Patrick Somers, M.P. He pleaded guilty. Counsel on each side announced that Mr. Somers had very kindly consented not to proceed with the case, on the defendant paying 10/. expenses. It seemed to be admitted that no imputation rested on the scholars or their masters; the whole odium attached to Bentley. Mr. Sergeant Adams, com- mending the kind Christian conduct of Mr. Somers, fined the defendant one shilling.
William James, the man who pretended to have picked up in Piccadilly a letter threatening Lord John Russell, has been ordered, by the Marlborough Street Magistrate, to find sureties to keep the peace for twelve months, and been sent to prison in default.
At Southwark Police Office, on Monday, Brown and Nicholson were charged with assaulting John Jones, and robbing him of fifty sovereigns. All the parties appeared to be of little repute. Jones said he was beaten on the head and robbed while he was drunk. The evidence against the mewled was so unsatisfactory. that they were discharged. The prosecutor himself, however, was taken into custody, on suspicion of having stolen the money of which he said he had been robbed. Thirty-four sovereigns were found in his bed, and upwards of a hundred duplicates of clothing and jewellery which he had pledged. The sovereigns were said to be part of the proceeds of a robbery at Chichester ; and Jones was remanded that evidence might be brought against him. A woman with whom he cohabited was arrested in the course of the day-.
On Thursday, the couple, the woman calling herself "Mary Jones," were examined on a charge of robbery. Mr. Hdblyn, a gentleman living at Bodmin, stated that on the 31st of last month he went from London to Chichester, with intent to go to Goodwood races ; having dined at an inn he was returning at night to his lodgings, when the female prisoner accosted him ; she pestered him with her solicitations, and at length pushed him down ; then the male prisoner came up and abused him, till both left him. Mr. Hoblyn found that a purse had been taken from his pocket, containing eight ten-pound notes and two sovereigns. He was certain of the identity of the accused. Mr. Ingluun remanded the case to Chichester, the scene of the robbery.
In addition to two men, Tonnes and Hoes, charged with complicity in the robbery of Californian gold at Whitechapel, who were committed for trial last week, the Police have got hold of three more—Stiffen, Homann, and Kesler. Stiffen i supposed to have carried off the gold ; he hastened to Leicester Square to Kesler's café: Kesler took him to a lodging-house, but supplied him with dinners. Stiffen made a statement that Tonnes got the gold. When the three prisoners were brought before the Thames Police Magistrate, he heard some evidence, and then remanded them all.
At Worship Street Police Office, on Monday, Mr. Edward Routledge, a middle-aged man of respectable appearance was charged with assaulting an omnibus-conductor and a Policeman. The accused, while intoxicated, on Saturday, entered an omnibus at Bishopsgate ; when he got out at Stoke- Newington instead of paying the conductor ,r he hit him in the eye; and even when offered forgiveness for this outrage if he would pay the fare, he still refused to pay. While walking with a Policeman to whom he was given in charge, the pugnacious gentleman also hit him in the eye, nearly knocking him down. Xs. Arnold, the Magistrate, asked the accused what he was- hed he any profession or employment ? Defendant—" No; I am a gentle- man and independent." Mr. Arnold committed him to prison for seven days. Defendant seemed astounded at this decision, and begged that any amount of fine might be imposed instead, as imprisonment might be fatal to him in his state of health. Mr. Arnold intimated that nothing but a medical certificate of such danger should induce him to alter his decision ; and the defendant was therefore sent to prison.
At the Thames Police Office, on Tuesday, John Horrigan, formerly a Po- liceman in the H division, who has been in custody six weeks, was finally examined on charges of cutting and wounding Inspector Forbes and Police- man Moseley. The case threatens to be serious. Moseley could not attend to give evidence, nor would the Police surgeon allow him to be examined at his bedside, as his condition was highly critical : there would seem to be small hopes for the poor man. From the testimony of other persons it ap- pears, that on the night of the 20th of June, Horrigan was found to be in- toxicated while on Ins beat; and was taken to the station-house, not without uttering threats. When in the station-house, he grew more violent ; he took a clasp-knife from his pocket, opened it, and threatened to stab "any Englishman" that touched him. [liorrigan is an Irishman.] And he did attempt to stab Policeman Jarrett. It was now necessary to take measures- to disarm him. Mr. Forbes and a number of officers surrounded him ; a fierce struggle ensued, Horrigan struck out with his knife in every direc- tion, and ripped up Moseley's thigh. At length the intulman was over- powered. It was then found, that besides Moseley's wound in the thigh he had been stabbed in the arm-pit, Mr. Forbes had been cut in the arm, and a constable had been slightly wounded ; while gashes in the clothes of other men showed how narrowly they had escaped bodily hurts. 3loscley's wound healed, but inflammation of the lungs supervened. The prisoner—a mild- looking man—said he was the victim of a conspiracy; and told an impro- bable tale of a man's giving him drugged gin on the night of the 20th of June. Had he been in his proper senses he would never have acted BO. It seems that the man has been nine years in the Police force ; and both Mr. Yardley, the Magistrate, and Inspector Forbes spoke of his usual very mild demeanour. He was committed for trial for stabbing Moseley with intent to murder, and for wounding Mr. Forbes with intent to do him grievous bodily harm. - There have -been outrageous proceedings at a bridge crossing the Regent's floral at Bridge Street, Stepney. A. violent contest was carried on between men employed by the Commercial Gas Company and the new Great Central Gas Company ; the latter wanted to lay their pipes along the bridge, and the fisrmer company to prevent them. The Commercial took possession of the bridge, on pretence of repairing it ; some three hundred "navvies" and a waggon assailed the post on behalf of the Central, and carried it ; but there was much fightine and detachments of the Police force had to interfere. Charges of assault arose; one of which, against the secretary of the Com- mercial Company, is to be fully heard by the Thames Police Magistrate next week. In the melie, two men were thrown into the canal ; one fell under the waggon, and had his legs crushed. The Central Company eventually laid down their pipes, but were obliged to post men to prevent their removal by the rival company. The whole affair seems to have been disgraceful.
Francis Henry Boucher, a youth in his eighteenth year, committed suicide from Blackfnars Bridge at nud-day on Sunday. He got over the parapet in a recess, and then threw himself off; his head struck against a pier, and the body fell into the water. Search was made, but it was not recovered at that time ; in dragging for it, the corpse of a man that had been in the water for some days was found. It was at first reported that Boucher' s death was ac- cidental : at the inquest the contrary was proved ; for a man engaged at the floating bath saw the deliberate suicide. The youth had been upbraided by his father, an auctioneer at Erith, for not attending church ; he had met a love-disappointment ; the expressed opinion of a doctor that he would not live long had preyed on his mind. Verdict, "Temporary insanity."