10 AUGUST 1850, Page 7


The state of parties and, local influences in Dungannon has led to an unexpected result from Lord Northland's resignation. It was confidently expected," says a local account, "that Henry Alexander, Esq., son-in- law of Earl Ranfurly, would have been elected without opposition; but whether a doubt existed in the minds of a very influential portion of the .electors as to the harmony of his political opinions with their own, or that they considered sufficient time had not been afforded them between the resignation of the one and the nomination of the other, to consider who was best fitted to succeed to the representation, a party was hastily formed to support the claims of the Honourable Stuart Knox, in opposition to those of Mr. Alexander : as this proceeding, however, was calculated to lead to the awkward position of one branch of the Ranfurly family arrayed against the other, a compromise was effected." In the end, the names of bath those gentlemen were withdrawn, and Lord Northland was re- elected without opposition.

The great Tenant-right Conference, long heralded by the Irish news- papers, has assembled at Dublin. A committee of revision worked seve- ral days in settling the order of business, and in preparing a compact series of propositions .to be debated ; and the first meeting for general business commenced on Tuesday morning, It is intended to sit from ten o'clock to four' and from seven to ten, each day, till the matters in hand be duly resolved. The Conference is very numerous, and includes a great muster of the Roman Catholic and Presbyterian clergy. Dr. Mlinight, editor of the flamer of Ulster, was called to the chair the Reverend Mr. O'Shea, Roman Catholic clergyman, the Reverend Mr. Dobbin, Presbyterian minister, and Mr. William Girdwood, were ap- pointed secretaries.

• From the string of resolutions already agreed to we select the most strongly characteristic. " That a fair valuation of rent between landlord and tenant in Ireland is indispensable."

• "That an equitable valuation of land for rent should divide between the landlord and tenant the net profits of cultivation, in the same way as profits would be divided between the partners in any other business where one of them is a dormant partner and the other the working capitalist who takes upon him the whole risk." • "That the valuation, when once made, shall be perpetual, subject to such readjustment as is mentioned in the next resolution"; ; which was in these words--" that every seven years there may, on the demand of either land- lord or tenant, be a readjustment of the rent payable under the valuation, according to the rise or fall of the prices of agricultural produce."

That where the rent has been fixed by valuation, no rent beyond the valued rent -shall be recoverable by any process of law." That the tenant shall not be disturbed in his possession so long as he pays the rent fixed by the proposed law."

'That the tenant should have a right to sell his interest, with all its in- cidents, at the highest market value." "That if the landlord shall at any time have made improvements, either when the land is in his own occupation or with the consent of the tenant in oceupetMn, or if the landlord hall have bought the tenant's improvements, the landlord shall have the right, on letting the same to a new tenant, or on giving notice to the tenant in possession, to have each improvements valued ,lor the purpose of adding to the rent," "That wherever, in Ulster or elsewhere, tenant-right custom has prevail. -tal, the value of such right, according to the local custom, shall be considered in all respects as an improvement made by the tenant, and be allowed for accordingly in valuing the rent." "That it be an instruction to the League to take into consideration, at the -earliest possible period, the condition of farm-labourers, and suggest some measure for their permanent protection and improvement, in connexiou with the arrangement of the question between landlord and tenant."

. Kr. John O'Connell has resumed the weekly meetings of the Repeal Association ; stating that, for the first time since his father's death, the Association meets free from debt.

• Mr. John Pike, land-agent for Mr. Robert Caeaidy, of Monastereven, in King's County, was murdered on Tuesday morning. While he was walking to Parsonstown (or Birr), with one llolligan, a tenant on the estate be man- -aged, two men attacked him with pistols. Having long expected to be so attacked, he was armed with two pistols and a sword-cane; he used all his weapons successively, fired both pistols, and drew his sword-cane, but in vain : he was shot down, and his skull dashed in with the but-end of a pistol. His companion, Holligan, saw all the fight, and describes it, but was, us he says, afraid to help ; and at last being threatened himself, he fled to Bin-. The populace as in Mr. Mauleverer's ease, are in evident complicity with the criminals ; arlo•of course have escaped. Mr. Pike had been fired at before, but he was breve and resolute. On this °erasion he was about to evict some conspiring rent-refusers.