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Passim—The Board of Health at Marseilles lately chose to exact some unusual and especially inconvenient sanatory observances on the part of vessels arriving in quarantine from Malta, where the cholera is preva- lent The Government objected to the regulations ; and, meeting with a somewhat presumptuous opposition, it dissolved the Board of Health, and replaced it by a single Commissioner. The populace of Marseilles mani- fested a sympathy with the old-fashioned prejudices of the superseded board, and showed a turbulent disposition, which gave the Government some uneasiness. At present both the supporters and the opponents of the Government claim success ; but the actual result would seem to be that the offensive restrictions are reimposed in a modified shape. An object long projected, said to be very much at heart with the Pre- sident, and lately thought to be on the point of realization—the forma- tion of a great military camp near Paris—is now totally abandoned. The scheme was propounded by Baraguay d'Hilliers, when he came back from Rome, as a subtle plan for building up a counter point of influence against Changarnier : by the latter redoubtable chief, says report, it is now forbidden.
The President of the Republic starts on the 12th instant for a fort- night's progress through the departmental towns of the South and East of France, commencing with Lyons and the eircumjacent centres.
SPAIN.—Lord Howden arrived at Madrid on the 29th instant, and took up a provisional residence in the house lately occupied by Sir Henry Bul- wer, on the Calle Torija. He will shortly reside at Chamartin, about a league from Madrid, in a retired house once occupied by the Emperor Napoleon.
Letters of the .3d instant state that Queen Isabella, on the evening of the 2d, gave a private audience to Lord Howden, who was presented by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. All the most distinguished Spaniards in Madrid had visited him at his residence.
Russie.—The Emperor Nicholas has issued an ukase ordering seven men in each thousand of the population of the Western provinces of Rus- eia, and ten in each thousand in some other provinces, to be raised for the army. The population of these districts is computed at thirty-one mil- lions ; so that hereby an addition of about 180,000 men will be made to the military force of Russia. Two new ships of the line, one of 120 and the other of 84 guns, have just been launched at Nikolajeff, as well as a steam-vessel and several transports. The railway from St. Petersburg to Moscow is now finished to an extent of 140 worsts, and the works are continuing with great activity.
Uxrren STATES.—The political news from the States communicates the formal constitution of President Fillmore's Cabinet—
Secretary of State, Daniel Webster, Massachusetts. Secretary of the Treasury, Thomas Corwin Ohio. Secretary of the Interior, James A. Pearce, Maryland. Secretary of War, Edward Bates, Missouri. Secretary of the Navy, George Graham, North Carolina. Postmaster-General, A. R. Hall, New York. Attorney-General, J. J. Crittenden, Kentucky. Every one of these is a man of mark and ability. The Cabinet is fa- vourable to Mr. Clay's Compromise Bill. Dr. Webster's pleading for mercy had been unavailing, and his execu- tion was resolved on. When his death-warrant was read to him, he said, "God's will be done ; I am prepared to meet my fate." Garibaldi, the Roman hero, had arrived at New York, and was about to be complimented with a public reception.