It is no doubt desirable in the national interest that
the Customs and Excise should do its job efficiently. But it is dis- tinctly irritating for Britons—obviously returning, and relatively virtuous, holiday-makels—who have passed three or four times smoothly and without delay through French and Swiss Customs to wait what seems an interminable time in a queue of cars at Dover, jolting forward a few feet at a time as the victim at the head of the tail is finally released and speeds off on the Canter- bury 'road. Is all this rigour really necessary? Incidentally, for the benefit of the many who, are bound for a mid-day boat at Calais or Boulogne and' never quite sure where -to spend the last night in France, let me mention that since last summer a new, comfortable and very reasonably-priced hotel: the France et rete-de-Boeuf, has been opened at Abbeville, 50 miles from Boulogne and 71 from Calais. It seems to meet every need.
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