The Spanish Ulcer Sut,.—i Regret That By A Slip 1
have made it appear that I think that Louis XIV and Charles I were cousins. I should have written " the father of the cousin of his soverei g n."—Yours &c.,......
Talk Yourself Out Of This Lit,--it Is Flatterin G Even To
be mentioned at all in Marginal Comment ; ut disappointing to find that cne's voice is as unfamiliar on the wireless to Mr. Nicolson as his own voice is to him when he hears it......
In The Garden
This is the time when the wheel of life slows down and the spokes are no longer a whirl of multi-coloured flame. The year at its apex has a moment of contemplative suspension.......
This Summer's Strawberries
think the reason for the bullet-like strawberries, of which Mr. Massin g ham's correspondent complained, was probably want of water. This year my beds re q uired two thorou g h......
The Leicester Galleries
SIR, —On July 6th you published a kind and g enerous tribute to the late Cecil Phillips from Mr. Derek Hill. Mr. Dou g las Cooper, in your issue of Au g ust 3rd, has taken the......
Spain And- - Europe _
Sta.—SpaM would revive, quickly enough, if she received.;*: Onerous amount of Marshall Aid, not all of which would be spent`on arms, on enriching a corrupt bureaucracy, the......
Wild Martagon
There is a wood on the wolds where the marta g on-lily g rows wild. ' The founder of this illustrious line (for the flowers have been there for years) must have been a g arden......
A Delicate Hint
SIR. —Once a g ain the Spectator is bein g enlivened for a brief period by the entertainin g Strix in place of the rather tedious Janus. 'Is it too much to ask that Janus should......
Country Life
WILD flowers thrive on limestone and, since the oolite of the Cotswolds is the kindest of all limestones ; there they excel. In the dells, the disused " guars " and by the......
Tied Cottages Sir, —in View Of The Government's Attitude...
cotta g es, it would, be interestin g to know if those built on the Government experi- mental farm at Du gg leby in Yorkshire—for instance—are " tied," or......