Puzzle and the Lobby
Sir: Your writer using the pen name 'Tom Puzzle' in the issue dated July 20, 1974, referred to the Chairman of the Lobby Journalists at Westminster.
He purported to give, without naming me, an account of a private meeting over which I presided. The article attributed to me opinions which I do not hold and did not express. 1 have never behaved in the manner your columnist claimed.
The allegation in the article that I once gave evidence "with disastrous results at London Quarter Sessions" is absolutely untrue. I have never given evidence or even been at this court, or any similar court elsewhere.
I hope you will be kind enough to publish these denials and to acknowledge that your columnist's special sense of humour led to unfounded and unfair statements which, I am sure, you would not wish to remain on the record.
J. J. Egan Chairman of the Lobby, Press Gallery, House of Commons, London SW1.