Conservative Policies
From Sir Christopher Masterman Sir:1 should like to reinforce Miss Brenda Thomas's letter (July 27), with whose views on Mr Heath's leadership of the Conservative Party and on a......
Labour Directions
Sir: Your anonymous Labour candidate , in his admirable piece The Road to Wedgwoodbennistan' (August 3) has identified the real division in British Politics today. It does not......
In Defence Of Nixon
Sir: Your leader (August 3) in which you once again call for the House of Representatives to impeach President Nixon, and for the Senate to find him guilty goes far beyond the......
Puzzle And The Lobby
Sir: Your writer using the pen name 'Tom Puzzle' in the issue dated July 20, 1974, referred to the Chairman of the Lobby Journalists at Westminster. He purported to give,......
Sir: I am not fully convinced by your Military Correspondent's piece (July 27). Cyprus was not comparable with Ulster because it is much easier to put down an attempted coup......
Local Liquidity
From Lt. Col. R. H. Rohde Sir: The matter of the liquidity of the Local Authorities and the necessity for them to borrow from overseas lenders has become one of concern. It has......
Gin Trap At The Elephant
From Ms Jen Murray Sir: May I ask John Linklater why, if the politicians at the Elephant and Castle took an unfair advantage of the BMA representatives by pouring gin into their......
Vital Imports
Sir: I understand that envelopes are in such short supply in Great Britain that the major political parties, in readiness for the next election, are importing them from France!......