Herr Delbriick informed the German Parliament that the King of
Bavaria had assented to the assumption by the King-President of the title of Emperor of Germany. King Ludwig, it appears, had written to the King of Saxony a kind of circular, calling upon him and all German Princes and free towns to urge upon the King of Prussia the acceptance of the Imperial title, which, among other things, will render it easier for them to be less than equals of their ruler. The only plea put forward by the King is the interest of German unity ; but there can be no doubt tradition has something to do with the revival. It is said King William has accepted, though reluctantly, but will be Emperor and King like his Austrian brother. The affair is important, as marking the completion of the work so long desired, though the work itself will doubtless from time to time require revision. The central power will not long endure to be less than all-powerful.