A Very Strange Murder Is Reported From Liverpool. Mr....
Flueck, a German proprietor of a boarding-school there, had employed a Mr. Howchin as assistant. Howchin for some reason left him, and applied to a Mr. Calder for a tutor- ship.......
One Of The Most Courageous Episodes Of The War Has
been both the attack on Beaune-la-Rolande last Monday week by the French, and its equally brilliant defence by a very inferior force of Germans under General Voights Rhetz. The......
We Are Astonished To See The Daily News Speaking Slightingly
of the qualifications of Lord Lawrence for the chairmanship of the London School Board, and talking—what we should call such non- sense, if it were not talked by the Daily News,......
Note A Rumour, Mentioned By The Berlin Correspondent Of The
Echo, that Count Bismarck favours the election of a French Assembly by the Councils-General of the Departments. An elec- tion by the old Councillors-General would mean a......
Lord Graiiville's Answer To Prince Gortechakoff's Second...
very firm Note is so short and incisive as to give an im- pression of decision which scarcely belongs to it. The Foreign Sec- retary says (November 28) he has nothing to add to......
In Thursday's Pall Mall "w W . R. G." Is Down
again on the French for not giving in, and on the English who sympathize with them for not advising them to give in. His ground is that " a nation when thoroughly beaten has......
Bremen Has Petitioned The German Parliament To Ask The Bing-
President to demand Saigon, that is, the French Colony of Cochin- China, in the forthcoming treaty. Parliament refused to act, as it was unbecoming to divide the bear's skin......
Rouen Was Entered By General Manteuffel On Monday, The...
who attempted to protect it having been defeated in two engage- ments on the 4th and 5th. The city, which appears not to have expected the enemy, made no resistance, but the......