De La Rue's Red-Letter Diary and Improved Memorandum Book, 1871
; De La Rue's Improved Indelible Diary and Memorandum Book, 1871; De La Rue's Improved Red-Letter Calendar, small, two sizes; Herring's Postal Secretaire.—These Diaries maintain their old character for ele- gance and completeness ; it is impossible to speak too highly of the way in which they are got up, or of the care with which every possible want of the kind is attended to ; they will be found most convenient for family and personal use. The Postal Seeretaire is a novelty ; it consists of note- paper and envelopes in a stiff case, with copying-paper and indelible pencil, so that in whatever inconvenient quarter of the earth you may happen to be, a note and copy may be produced in five minutes. It is prettily got up, of a comfortable size for the pocket, and reasonably cheap,—altogether an acquisition.