The election of a President has not overcome the difficulty
of making Ministries. M. Carnot at first asked M. Fallieres to form one, but he declined, alleging, with truth, that his health was unequal to the task ; and the President then sent for M. Goblet. M. Goblet secured M. Ribot and other Opportunists, but on his endeavouring to secure two Radicals, M. Ribot retired, and according to a Renter's telegram of Friday, apparently demi-official, the Opportunists and Radicals refuse to work together. It is not known whether the difference is per- sonal, or refers to the Radical demand for the suppression of the Budget of Public Worship and the imposition of an Income-tax; but it is so far final that M. Goblet has replaced his commission in the President's hands. The latter will probably ask M. Rouvier to resume power with a modified list of colleagues; but it is evident that his difficulties are only beginning. It is clear that with three parties in the Chamber each nearly equal to the others, government is impossible without a compact between two of them ; and so far as appears, neither the Right nor the Radical side will give way one inch. The remedy is a dissolu- tion; but will M. Carnet, with his anti-monarchical ideas, pro- pose to dissolve, or will be endeavour to govern with a Ministry of Affairs P Sending for M. Cl6menceau would not solve the problem, for he has only the Radicals behind him.