The " Sweating " System.
[To Y.. EDITOR 07 THE a. SPECTATOR:] Sta,—My article on "The Sweating System" in the Fortnightly Review of this month contains a sentence which, I am sorry to say, is very......
THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH ARTISTS. THERE is a difficulty in writing a criticism of this Society which would not be felt with regard to any other London picture- gallery,—the......
Letters To The Editor.
THE UNIONIST MEETING IN DUBLIN. [To rex Herron or ma .. Srscrsros."] Sat,—Bindly permit me, in justice to our recent great meeting, to point out that the estimate which appeared......
New Names For New States.
rilHE inarticulateness which is sometimes said to be the mark J- of Englishmen—it is not just now the reproach which editors would cast at them—is receiving a curious......