Chirp and Chatter. By Alice Banks. (Blaolde and Son.)—This
is an attempt to inculcate a little morality upon children by means of essentially dramatic stories of birds, beasts, dm, who figure either as Helots, or flagrant examples of spite, envy, passion, gentility, and what not, or as embodiments of various virtues, such as tenderness and candour. Miss Banks manages to throw a good deal of quiet sarcasm into certain of her imaginary dialogues ; while in one story, where a magpie and a Mr. Pye, a clergyman, are confounded with each other, there is some good broad fan. Mies Banks seems most at home among mice; her Mr. and Mrs. Creepy, and Mrs. Mug, and the Macs family, are perfect. The illustrations of this little book are delightfully comic.