The Life and Work of J. L. E. Meissonier, by
Lionel Robinson (Art Journal Office), in the "Art Annual" for the year. The rare distinction of " H.R.A.," bestowed upon M. Meissonier by our Academy, and the favour whit* his work has met with on both sides of the Atlantic, mark him out as a proper subject furs book of this kind. We learn what manner of man he is, and what he has done. A number of illustrations represent some of his best works, as far as a colourist's work can be so represented, and the fads of laia life; and we are given a catalogue of his pictures, with some interesting par- ticulars of the prices which have been paid for them. His hand has not been idle. The "Exposition Meissonier," three years since, con. tamed more than 145 paintings, and it was not complete. As for prices, they have been very large. 216,000 was paid for" Cuirassiers," or " 1805 " (bunt at New York), and 212,000 for "Friedland," or "1807."