We have received a new edition of Froggy's Little Brother,
by "Brenda" (J. R. Shaw), an excellent story. The illustrations with which this edition has been furnished are of various value. Some are fairly good ; but for others little can be said. Nothing amid be more grotesque than the faces of the spectators in that which fronts p. 90, of a boy turning a "cartwheel." They look for all the world just as if they had been made out of turnips.—Poor Jack, by Captain Marryat (Warne and Co.), is furnished with forty.six Ulna- tratione by Clarkeon Stanfield.—We have also a revised edition of The Rhine, from the Source to the Sea, translated from the German by G. C. F. Bartley, M.P. (J. S. Virtue and Co.) ; and also the "thirtieth thousand" of Kaloolah : the Adventures of Jonathan Romer, by W. S. Mayo, M.D. (G. P. Putnam's Sons), a handsome volume, worthily illustrated. It bears the title of the " Framazugda Edition." This fine story has never, we imagine, been more worthily presented to the reader.