We have received from Messrs. Dean a variety of illustrated
publications. The "Christmas Part" of the Little One's Own is 'accompanied by a packet of fifty Christmas cards, which we have noticed elsewhere; The Animal and Landscape Painting Book (plain drawings which can be filled in with colour), Visit to the Farm, Cinderella, Little Red Riding-Hood, A Visit to the Country, Surprise Novel Picture-Book, Mother Hubbard of 1793 (exact re- productions of a publication of that year). It is very curious to -see the fashions of that time. Ten Little Nigger Boys, The Animal Toy-Book, Book of Objects and A. B. C. Birds and Beasts.— Birthdays, by J. R. Macduff, D.D. (Marcus Ward and Co.), is a pretty little volume with some good quotations.
There is probably an infinitude of tastes in the matter of
Birthday-Books," though it seems to us that the very best form is the biographical, giving the names of distinguished men and women who may have been born on the day. However, a Bret Harte Birthday-Book, compiled by Madame Van de Velde (Osgood, Mcllvaine, and Co.), will doubtless find its public a large one, if tit bears any considerable proportion to the public which reads Mr. Bret Harte.