The Long-threatened Conference On The Depression Of...
on Wednesday in St. James's Hall. The attendance is said to have included two thousand Peers, landholders, and delegates from two hundred and forty organised bodies ; and the......
M. Stambouloff Proposes To Make Some Considerable Changes...
Bulgarian Constitution, of which the most important is the halving of the number of Deputies, so that there shalt be one Deputy for every twenty thousand inhabitants, instead of......
In His Defence Of The Evicted Tenants' Commission, Mr....
was not at all fortunate. He denied that the Com- mission was "packed," but he did not and could not deny that the President of the Commission gave on the very first day au......
There Is, We Believe, Grave Probability That The United...
will prohibit or restrict immigration. The idea suggested by the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Foster, inhis annual Report, is to tax every immigrant in a sum equal to the......
The Attendance On The Second Day Of The Conference Was
less than on the first, and the proceedings less interesting. The majority were very clear that the special charges upon land should be reduced, especially by the repeal of the......
It Seems To Be Understood On All Hands That The
Monetary Conference at Brussels has failed. It has studied many plans for appreciating silver, but is agreed upon none of them. The nearest approach to unanimity is on a......
A Deputation Which Waited On Mr. Acland, The...
the Council of Education, this day week, to press upon him the provision of adequate pensions for school-teachers who had spent the best part of their lives in the service of......