SIR,—The five verses below are what I think of the present political situation—that is, as far as Home-rule for Ireland is concerned—and I can assure you that there are hundreds of thousands more who are of the same opinion as myself, because between Liberal promises and Tory opposition, and, I must say, weak leadership on the part of the Irishmen who are responsible, Home-rule is lost.—Trusting you can see your way to give this publication, I am, Sir, &c., _Rosemount, Dundrum., Co. Dublin. P. D. KEEVAN.
Shall we ever aspire to that great inspiration, That long-sought-for, long-fought-for Irish Home-rule?
Or shall the great statesmen of every nation Look down on poor Pat as a Liberal tool ?
I fear that they will, because I must mention,
Our powder is damp, there's a spike in our gun
Since we first lost brave Charles that ne'er caused dissension, But fought like a lion till the battle was won.
O had we him now what a chance for our sireland!
He'd drive home the nail with the very first bang, And show Lib. and Tory that yet in Old Ireland
He's back'd by a resolute, fearless gang. Alas ! he is gone, and more is the pity,
The sceptre of Erin, 0 bright shini g jewel ! Whose name has resounded in country and city, 'Tis Parnell, 'tis Parnell will get us Home-rule.
His war-cry was Forward! and down with the landlord, The shoneen, the monger, and old Castle hack !
He always delighted in Ireland united,
For rights that were wronged he would surely bring back.
He'd hear of no story from Liberal or Tory ; His fire was ablaze, and his store full of fuel; His great inspiration was Erin a nation, A College Green Parliament and Irish Home-rule.
But now there's dissension at every Convention, And no chance of mending; we see by the Press, They're all thrinakealy, O'Brien and Tim Healy, With Redmond and Dillon, and more if I'd guess. A face full of scorn, a great big blackthorn, Will decorate Pathrick who sits on a stool, While the Irish dine on roast ham and cheese, And cable to Paddy : We're having Home-rule.
Now take it for granted, when voters are wanted The Liberals will promise brave Paddy a lot; But when that trial is over they'll get back to cover
And tell the poor Irish to keep what they've got. Ah ! give us another, their ideas to smother,
A man like bold Parnell that salted their gruel, May his glorious spirit our dull hearts inherit, For he was the hero of Irish Home-rule !