There Are Points In This Speech Which Englishmen Can Read
with much satisfaction. For instance, the statement that Turkey will not lean on any Alliance, but will take her own course, knowing that the Powers all sympathise with her......
Mr. Balfour Addressed A Unionist Meeting In Support Of The
Unionist candidates at Chester on Tuesday. Addressing himself to the Home-rule policy of the Government, he commented on the significant reticence they had maintained as to......
On Friday Week The Officers Of The United States Atlantic
Fleet were entertained at luncheon in the Guildhall by the City Corporation. Admiral Murdock, who replied to the toast of the American officers, said that the United States Navy......
Last Saturday Hakki Pasha, The Turkish Grand Vizier, Made...
lon g -expected statement on the policy of the Turkish Cabinet. He said—we take the facts from the Times—that the insurrection in Albania, which had been neither reactionary nor......
We Note With Regret That The French Troops In Equatorial
Africa suffered heavily in an action fought near Drigele, the capital of the Massalit. Since the reconquest of the Egyptian Soudan by British troops, large numbers of......
Speaking At Edinburgh Last Saturday At The Invitation Of A
non-party group, Lord Rosebery surveyed the political situation. Mr. Redmond was trying to impose his will on the United Kingdom with the help of foreign gold, and his method......
In 1905 Sir Prahbu Narayen Singh, The Hereditary Holder Of
the Benares meminclari, addressed a memorial to the United Provinces Government asking that he might 'be given a defined and permanent status amongst the ruling chiefs of India.......
Turning To The Referendum, Mr. Balfour Declared His Con-...
that it was the proper and only method of settling differences on great and vital questions between the two Houses. Mr. Balfour subjected Sir Edward Grey's scheme of an elective......
Mrs. Eddy, The Leader Of Christian Science, Died At Boston,
U.S.A., last Sunday in her ninetieth year. It is not known yet who will succeed her as the head of " the Church of Christ, Scientist." She was the daughter of Mark Baker, a......