10 DECEMBER 1910, Page 17


ITO THE EDITOR OP TH8 "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—As some of your correspondents wish me to give particulars of the cost of the cottage plan which you illus- trated in your issue of November 19th, I will do so, although I think it will be of very little value because the site was in a neighbourhood where wages are exceptionally high and materials hard to obtain. The contract price was £315 for the pair. This included external earth-closets and two flights of five steps up from the road on to the site, with retaining-walls each side of each flight. The plan which you published in your issue of November 26th cannot, I think, work out as a cheap plan because of the number of breaks in the external wall. Moreover, I think it a disadvantage to have the staircase leading out of the living-room. Of course if they kept the window open at the bottom of the stairs it

would not matter ; but poor people seldom open windows.—