10 DECEMBER 1910, Page 27

Notes on the Papal Claims. By the Rev. Arthur Brinckman.

(A. R. Mowbray. 2s. &I. net.)—Mr. Brinckman puts together a powerful argument, theological and historical, on this subject. The volume may well serve any one who may need it as a text- book. The chapter on "The Papacy and the Cult of the Saints" is especially noticeable. Surely the acknowledged difficulty in Christian theology of paying equal honour to the Holy Spirit is aggravated by such teaching as this : " Through the Virgin, and through her more than any other means, we have offered us a way of teaching the knowledge of Jesus Christ." And this is the dictum of Pope Leo X. "Tout h Jesus pax Marie" is the inscription on the porch of a Marist school. This is surely a more far-reaching heresy than a confusion of the presence and function of the human will in the Person of Christ.