On Wednesday evening the Agenda Club was inaugurated at a
dinner at the Hotel Cecil. The Agenda Club, it will be remembered, was proposed as a kind of co-ordinating society, or intelligence department, to bring together and direct the energies of men (principally young men) who want to do something to help their fellow-men, but scarcely know how to go about it. The large and remarkable gathering at the Hotel Cecil proved that a rich reef of energy, waiting to be used, has been discovered. There were many well-known public men and some Head-Masters of great schools present, but perhaps the most interesting fact was that those who offered themselves for membership were chiefly men whose faces are not ordinarily seen at the meetings of charitable societies. The appeal is in the first place, but only in the first place, to " the gentle- men of England," who are asked if they will not serve as well as fight. Personal social service is what is required. It was suggested by Mr. Thorp, from whose brain the Agenda Club has leaped, that all service should be rendered as far as possible along the lines of a man's profession. The organisa- tion of the club was explained. It remains to make the inspiration articulate. We heartily wish the Agenda Club the privilege of doing a large part of what it sets before itself.