[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
Sta,—Mr. H. B. Wilson misrepresents the position as to my saying that the ordinary licensee needs no instructions as to how to conduct his business, whereas, according to Mr. Wilson, the management at Carlisle have to be warned of the conditions when they get bad. The comparison as to the pure food question is entirely different and refers to quality of the food sold and not to the condition of the recipient himself, and is connected with progressive science. Mr. Wilson compares the present with the past, while my case has to do with solely the present in both instances.
As regards the k500,000 spent on improvements at Carlisle in the last ten years, all that can be said is that much of this sum must have been wasted. Under private ownership such
cxpenditure has in fact been made in similar circumstances and has something to show for it.
Mr. Wilson taxes me with the question of the sale of food and the letting of accommodation ; these aspects of the matter I. have already referred to, and to the Annual Report, and he takes me no further by his reference.—Yours faithfully,
Temple, E.G. 4. JoHN A. PACE. [We cannot continue this correspondence.—En. The Spectator.]