But One Little Point Does Cause Me Some Distress. I
have always taken the view that British citizens visiting Germany might well eschew the Nazi salute and be content with their national form of salutation—raise the hat, for......
If Anyone Could Commend Japan's Case Successfully To The...
of this country it would be Viscount Ishii, who has just arrived here with, that end in view. He is one of the few internationally-minded Japanese, and for many years......
* * * * Herr Hitler's Speech Last Week On
the new Berlin which it is his ambition to construct, "the eternal capital of the German Volk," has, it seems to me, a significance to which no one has yet drawn attention. The......
Miss Bapsy Pavry And Dr. Jal Pavry Have Returned To
Bombay from London after visiting Germany, Belgium, Greece, and Egypt, where they were received by Herr Hitler and the monarchs of the three countries. But that is not all. I......
A Plaint, Not To Say Complaint, With Which I Have
con- siderable sympathy, reaches me. May the average English- man desiring to attend some church on a Sunday morning reasonably expect that if he presents himself at the nearest......
This Story Of The Expulsion Of Reuter's Correspondent At...
Mr. H. D. Harrison, from JugoSlavia, on the ground that he transmitted to foreign countries a statement that a Mickey Mouse comic strip in a Belgrade paper had been banned......
A Spectator's Notebook
M R. ATTLEE'S visit to Republican Spain raises some nice questions. Mr. Eden stated last Monday that the Leader of the Opposition, before leaving for Spain, signed the usual......
The Nation And Its Health
F OR over a generation the will to lift the health of the nation to a higher plane has been increasingly manifest. "A fitter Britain," in its widest sense, is indeed the object......