MANY people have grown weary of the usual kind of holiday at recognised centres, and to these Malaya has much to recommend it. It is 8,000 miles from England, and it is unlike any other country. The seasons make little change in temperature, which varies between 69° F. and 95° F. Most visitors from England find the climate ideal, for in Malaya it is summer all the year round. The development of the country has been remarkably rapid when one remembers that sixty years ago practically the whole of it was covered by jungle. Since the British administration began, hundreds of thousands of acres have been cleared, and changed into . rubber and coconut plantations ; cities and towns have grown and developed in a manner which is amazing, and the standard of com- fort enjoyed by Europeans is a high one. At Singapore, Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Taiping, and similar places the visitor may safely expect most of the luxuries to which, in Europe, he has become accustomed. Full information is available from The Malayan Information Agency, Malaya House, Charing Cross, London, S.W. r.
South Africa offers another out-of-the- common winter holiday, and those who have seen the bulk of Table Mountain rising 3,500 feet above the roofs of Cape Town are not likely to forget the experience. From Cape Town there are good motor roads which invite exploration, one of the most popular of which is the drive round the Cape Peninsula, includingthe Cape of Good Hope, in all a matter of one hundred miles. The famous Garden Route is the name given to the road from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth : the scenery along this route is magnificent and varied. A visit should be paid to. the Snake Park here. Kimberley is the mining centre for diamonds, of course, as Johannesburg is the centre of gold mining, gold to the value of approximately £4,000,000,000 having been taken from this area since the beginning of mining operations. Pretoria, the capital of the Transvaal, is also the administrative capital of the Union and has a population of cver roo,000, of which 75 per cent, are white. Other places of interest deserving a visit are Pietermaritzburg, capital of Natal, Durban with its Zulu rickshaw boys and the Kruger National Park, on the borders of Portuguese East Africa. The Park has a length of zoo miles and is 40 miles wide. It contains all the best of African game from elephants and lions to the smallest of antelope. Southern Rhodesia should be visited for the Victoria Falls, the Zimbabwe Ruins, the grave of Cecil Rhodes, and many other interesting excursions.
A series of winter holidays in Switzerland have been arranged by Selfridge Tours, suggesting • holidays at sixteen different centres. These are nine-day and sixteen- day tours to each of these, the prices ranging from £88s. to £17 los. The price includes Travel Tickets from London and back to London via Dover-Ostend-Bale, hotel accommodation with meals, gratuities, local taxes, sports fees at many centres, &c. Departures on December ath and 22nd, January 1st, 8th, 15th, and weekly to February 26th. A handbook, entitled "Winter Holidays," gives full particulars of
these tours and will be sent gratis on request. * * *
One of the most interesting cruises this winter is leaving London on January ath, 1938, under the experienced leadership of Rosita Forbes. The cruise offers -an oppor- tunity to see India in a manner only possible as a rule to those who are the friends of Riding Princes. The voyage is via Genoa and Egypt to Colombo, and thence to Madura, Travancore, Cochin, Mysore, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Jaipur Kashmir, Patiala, Baroda, Bhopal, &c. There will be tiger-shooting, deer-stalking, leopard hunts and other sports -23 days' shooting in all. Each traveller can participate in the sports according to his wishes at an inclusive price. Full particu- lars can be obtained from Orientourist, Ltd., 87 Regent Street, London, W. r.