At the recent annual general meeting of the South West Africa Co., Ltd., Sir Edmund Davis, the Chairman, stated that -the company's interests in concerns operating in Germany had for the greater part been liquidated and replaced by investments in first-class Mining. and industrial companies,- concerning which properties be was able to give very excellent reports of progress. The accounts, for the year showed a balance profit of just over £99,00p,.to which is added Reserve. for Income Tax not required, the annual profit being £11o,861,. or about LI2,000 -in excess of the figure for the preceding year. These results have enabled the 'directors to fulfil' the forecast of a year ago namely, the- declaration of. a dividend of 5 per cent., with a ago, of to per tent., the carry-forward' also being somewhat greater than last yeai. 'Sir Edmund Davis also spoke encouragingly with regard to the outlook.
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